Utility Bots
Ok Google, show me Discord music bots

Invites: 1,156
Tags: 10
I have various utility commands used to lookup various YouTube videos, Minecraft and Overwatch statistics, games, and more!

Invites: 74
Tags: 6
Lots of utility commands available, including a DM forms builder to gather info from your server members privately

Invites: 114
Tags: 13
7TV Emotes, Better TTV, emoji stealing, members of role, starboard, custom polls, welcome messages, google searches, movies, weather, youtube videos, purge messages, and more!

Invites: 24
Tags: 2
This bot allows server staff members to manage suggestions to provide updates to their users and see information about each suggestion.

Invites: 4
Tags: 3
The bot provides various utility admin commands for example the changing on embed colours, prefixes and allowing only certain channels to be command channels. Although not its main feature it has these features nonetheless

Invites: 12
Tags: 7
NQN allows people to reply to any message, whilst keeping the content in tact simply by pasting the Jump URL with the rest of their message! It also allows people to send masked URLs, [such as this](https://nqn.blue)

Invites: 3
Tags: 4
Easy and simple to set up and use

Invites: 477
Tags: 10
Mirai has many utility commands. Some examples are the currency, choose, reminder, dice, info, role, vote, giveaway, permissions, and weather commands.

Invites: 214
Tags: 6
User info with ID support, channel info and role info without the need to mention it. You can also get the raw ID of a channel/role to copy on mobile or the ability to copy a channels perms and topic to a create a new channel.