
Rusty Helper is a powerful Rust bot that lets you view advanced player statistics, server data like wipe times and maps, how to do monument puzzles, alerts you when new skins and game updates are released, tracks your blueprints and much much more. Featuring fully customisable prefixes, alert mentions and bot locked channels Rusty Helper is the perfect bot for your Rust Server.

General GamesNotificationsUtility

Rusty Helper

The bot is currently still under development so expect commands to change

Getting started

Use ;help to see a full list of commands

By default the bot has a prefix of ; however this can be changed with ;config prefix [changed prefix] to a desired prefix. When you invite the bot it will choose an announcement channel that it will send all new skin, update and other alerts to. You can change this with ;config alertchannel or turn all alerts of with ;config alertchannel none You can turn individual alerts off with ;newskins off or ;update off

You can change the default alert mention from @here to any player or role you desire with ;config alert @role If you are in a large server with multiple bots and therefore conflicting prefixes you can lock the bot to only respond in certain channels with ;config channel

When newskins are announced the bot will display the price. You can change the currency using ;config currency


Be the first to know when a new Rust update has been released by using ;update on or if you are a server owner use ;serverupdate on or ;oxide on

Use ;newskins on to get alerted when Facepunch release the weekly item store skins

Stay on the cutting edge of Rust development with ;commitfeed on which shows you a feed of the latest commits to Rust

Blueprint tracking

The bot has a blueprint tracking feature which lets you add blueprints to you server and then see who has certain blueprints. This can be useful in large groups as you can use ;bpwho hatchet to see who has a hatchet blueprint and then @ them to get on and craft you one. This can reduce scrap waste especially for higher cost items and improves group communication. Use ;bp create to get started

Rust statistic commands

You can also view and track your Rust player statistics. If you add your steam ID with ;idadd you can view your rust combat statistics and store them with ;store to then view them and compare to your current statistics at a later date. This feature expands if you purchase premium

Sever commands

The bot also provides commands to view rust servers. You can search for a server and then view detailed information about it via IP. You can also view the game map and last time the server wiped. This feature allows for more detailed tracking of player count and specific players on a server with premium. Just use ;server or ;map to try it out

Inventory commands

Flex on your friends by using ;inventory to see the total value of your Rust inventory as well as how many skins you have!

Puzzle commands

We also allow for players to view how to complete specific monument puzzles as well as CCTV camera codes and views. Use ;allpuzzle or ;cctv

Item commands

The bot can get details about all Rust items including car parts letting you construct the perfect car. Use ;item

Travel commands

You can see how long you will be able to travel in a certain mode of transport with a given quantity of low grade. Use ;travel

Twitch drops

Get alerted when the latest twitch drops start and when individual streamers go live!

Want to share Rusty Helper along with other bots? Click here to add it to a list!

All reviews (26)

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Used in 9,568 servers

3 invites this week

1,562 invites total

Prefix: ;

Submitted: 05/31/2020

Resubmitted: 09/12/2020

Approved: 09/12/2020

Edited: 04/11/2022

Tip: Do you have feedback for us? Let us know on our Discord server!