
Who needs a girlfriend when you have a waifu? :3 150+ commands with paginated help, useful utilities, image gen and memes.

General AnimeMemesModerationMultiple LanguagesNSFWUtility


💓 Image

Get images of cute cat girls, fox girls and awesome wallpapers

w/alart w/baka | w/blush | w/fox | w/holo | w/neko | w/nekoavatar | w/nekogif | w/nekopara | w/shrug | w/smug | w/wallpaper


💮 Anime

Lookup anime and manga information, get azurlane ship stats and claim your waifu

w/anime | w/azurlane | w/genre | w/manga | w/random | w/waifu


👉 Action

Poke and highfive your cool friends or slap a baka

w/bite | w/cuddle | w/feed | w/highfive | w/hug | w/kiss | w/lick | w/pat | w/poke | w/punch | w/slap | w/tickle | w/wasted


💖 Nsfw

43 nsfw commands with hentai and real porn images/gifs


💣 Meme

Funny memes and image generation for shitposters

w/america | w/bongocat | w/communism | w/dab | w/deepfry | w/delete | w/fedora | w/gay | w/jail | w/rip | w/salty | w/satan | w/trash | w/trigger | w/wanted | w/whodidthis


📷 Image Gen

Simple image generation, ship two people, baguette a friend or quick edit images with blur/snow/invert/pixel effects

w/awoo | w/baguette | w/blur | w/blurple | w/bw | w/invert | w/magik | w/pixel | w/ship | w/snow | w/warp


📝 Text Gen

Text generation features for memes, colorful text and doki doki literature club

w/captcha | w/change | w/clyde | w/ddlc | w/drake | w/owo | w/trump


🎀 Image Edit (Donators)

Donator feature for fast image editing and effects such as resize/flip/rotate/tint and color replacing

w/clipboard | w/edit | w/load | w/remove | w/undo | w/view


🚪 Server

Get server info for users, roles and channels with other misc utilities

w/boost | w/chan | w/chanid | w/color | w/joined | w/joinpos | w/mods | w/nsfwrole | w/offlinebots | w/quote | w/role | w/roleid | w/server | w/videochat


🔨 Mod

Kick those spammers and ban those raiders!

w/ban | w/copychan | w/dehoist | w/kick | w/prune | w/slowmode | w/unban


🛠 Config

Configure your server to post welcome message, disable specific commands or block those pesky ads and bad links

w/adminonly | w/autoicon | w/block | w/config | w/disable | w/enable | w/nsfwcontent | w/resetprefix | w/setnsfw | w/setprefix | w/welcome | w/whodisabled


🔰 User

Make new friends, get osu stats or show off your anime list

w/avatar | w/created | w/mal | w/mymal | w/myosu | w/osu | w/profile | w/set | w/steam | w/user


🐶 Real

Real life pictures of cute animals

w/bird | w/cat | w/dog | w/duck | w/lizard | w/snake


🎲 Misc

Misc stuff for the bot and some usefull commands like find and discrim

w/api | w/botinfo | w/discord | w/facegen | w/find | w/hex | w/police | w/rgb | w/stats | w/upvote

🔷 Core

w/donate | w/invite | w/lib | w/ping | w/shard | w/support | w/test | w/testerror | w/website

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Used in 200,394 servers

220 invites this week

193,423 invites total

Prefix: w/

Submitted: 06/17/2018

Approved: 06/17/2018

Edited: 08/19/2022

Tip: Reviewing bots helps others find good bots, and gives the owners valuable feedback.