thattonybo's Bots

32 this week
42,963 total
A rich YouTube bot for Discord. Let users know when you upload a video, get detailed information and much more.
Submitted: 09/27/2018
Edited: 05/18/2020
Activity Roles

1 this week
707 total
Game Roles is a bot that automatically adds, removes and manages roles when users start or stop playing specific games. It checks their Discord activity and rich presence to see, then gives and removes the roles that you define.
Submitted: 06/16/2019
Edited: 06/18/2019
thattonybo's Lists
Best music bots for your Discord Server!
Looking for a music bot? Take a look at this Top 6 list of music bots that will surely help you! They've been judged on quality, features and ease of use, so you'll have no issues at all.
Created by thattonybo