
A community focused bot for gaming and other voice channel based servers. MagiBot includes unique commands like custom join sounds, a queue with optional muting for events like karaoke, salt reporting, and ranking.

General FunMusicNotificationsRoleplaySocialUtility

MagiBot is a bot that has some features to build communities no other bot has.

Features include:

  • custom join sounds for users, active only for whitelisted voice channels
  • event queue command to queue users for taking turns in order (e.g. for karaoke nights) with step by step setup process (also supports automatic un/muting in voice channel)
  • salt report, ranking, and SaltKing role (serves as statistic of whos the saltiest player)
  • intuitive voting based on reactions with step by step setup process
  • dice rolling using DnD standard (e.g. 1d6+3)
  • blacklisting users from using the bot
  • whitelisting channels the bot is allowed to be used in: keeps chats clear
  • many more to come!

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Used in 2,794 servers

18 invites this week

5,382 invites total

Prefix: /

Submitted: 05/24/2018

Approved: 05/24/2018

Edited: 08/04/2022

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