My Music bot

Created by Blacky#6618


  • filter <FILTERNAME>Set Audio - Effects
  • loopToggle music loop
  • lyricsGet lyrics for the currently playing song
  • nowplayingShow current song
  • pausePause the currently playing music
  • play <TITEL | URL>Plays song from YouTube/Stream
  • queueShow the music queue and now playing
  • radio <RADIOSTATION>Play a Radiostation
  • removeRemove song from the queue
  • resumeResume currently playing music
  • search <TITEL | URL>Search and select videos to play
  • shuffleShuffles the current Queue!
  • skipSkip the currently playing song
  • skipto <QUEUE NUM.>Skip to the selected queue number
  • stopStops the music
  • volume <VOL. NUM.>Change volume
  • help [COMMAND]Gives you a list of all help Commands

This list doesn't have any bots! How boring...

Tip: You can click on tags to see a bot's description for that tag.