
UB3R-B0T is primarily a utility bot. He's also a bit grumpy because he's a 16 year old IRC bot and will show it in some of his responses. But with age, comes wisdom. Maybe.

General FunLoggingNotificationsUtilityWeb Dashboard
  • Reminders
  • RSS/Twitch/Twitter/ notifications
  • Weather
  • User join greeting/goodbyes
  • Package tracking
  • Searches (web, image, youtube)
  • Voice channel greetings/goodbyes
  • Audit / moderation logs
  • more? yes more

Questions? Bugs? Feature requests? Snarky remarks? Good cookie recipes? Swing by the UB3R-B0T server.

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All reviews (5)

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Used in 87,995 servers

0 invites this week

1,717 invites total

Prefix: .

Submitted: 12/08/2018

Approved: 12/08/2018

Edited: 01/31/2021

Tip: Be careful what permissions you give bots. Only give them the permissions they need.