
🎮 FALL GUYS - 🛒 Auto-Shop | 📰 News | ✒️ Full game wiki - Search costumes, emotes, patterns, rounds, trophies and more!

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The Fall Guy

New: Auto-Shop feature - Automatically post the daily item shop!

The Fall Guy is a verified Fall Guys bot that displays the current featured item shop along with information relating to costumes, emotes, patterns, rounds, trophies and much more!

Every command is executed using the fg. prefix and for help use

For help using a specific command use [?command-name]. E.g. round.




Command Description Example
autoshop Auto-Shop - No arguments (optional: [?start] [?stop]) fg.autoshop (fg.autoshop stop)
celebration Displays celebration information - Argument is [celebration-name] fg.celebration zsnap
colour Displays colour information - Argument is [colour-name] fg.colour bumblebee
costume Displays costume information - Argument is [costume-name] fg.costume scout
currency Displays currency information - Argument is [currency-name] fg.currency fame
dlc Displays DLC information - Argument is [dlc-name] fg.dlc collectorspack
emote Displays emote information - Argument is [emote-name] fg.emote funkychicken
faceplate Displays faceplate information - Argument is [faceplate-name] fg.faceplate ninja
help Displays help for all commands - No arguments (optional: [?command-name]) ( round)
invite Displays invite link - No arguments fg.invite
nameplate Displays nameplate information - Argument is [nameplate-name] fg.nameplate love
obstacle Displays obstacle information - No arguments fg.obstacle
pattern Displays pattern information - Argument is [pattern-name] fg.pattern fish
round Displays round information - Argument is [round-name] fg.round eggscramble
shop Displays featured shop information - No arguments
status Displays status information - No arguments fg.status
trophy Displays trophy/achievement information - Argument is [trophy-name] fg.trophy infallible


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Used in 435 servers

0 invites this week

389 invites total

Prefix: fg.

Submitted: 09/01/2020

Approved: 09/02/2020

Edited: 12/29/2020

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