
Publisher is an announcement channel utility that can be used for publishing messages both manually and automatically

General Utility

Publisher šŸ“¢

What is it?

Publisher is a Discord bot that automatically publishes messages sent in announcement channels


Discord does not have this feature!

How do I use it?

Prefix: @Publisher


Command: publish
Alias: p
Description: Manually publish a message
Permissions: Both the bot and user must have MANAGE_MESSAGES (unless the user is also the message author)
Usage: publish <msg_id_to_publish|msg_url_to_publish>

Command: autopublish
Alias: auto
Description: Edit channels on the autopublish list
Info: When you post a message in an autopublish channel, the bot will react with a reaction for 2 seconds:
šŸ“¢ - The message was successfully published
ā²ļø - The bot has already published 10 messages in the last hour
ā— - The message was already published
Usage: autopublish [add|remove [channel]]

Command: help
Alias: h
Description: Get a list of commands
Usage: help

Command: invite
Description: Invite the bot
Usage: invite

Command: support
Description: Get an invite to the support server
Usage: support

What permissions does it need?

The bot requires MANAGE_MESSAGES and SEND_MESSAGES, which are the permissions Discord requires to publish messages sent by users other than yourself.

Want to share Publisher along with other bots? Click here to add it to a list!

All reviews (7)

Recent reviews (1)

1 invite this week

976 invites total

Prefix: @Publisher

Submitted: 08/02/2020

Resubmitted: 08/30/2020

Approved: 08/30/2020

Edited: 01/17/2022

Tip: Do you have feedback for us? Let us know on our Discord server!