
You can get info on the Spotify song you or your friends are playing, as well as grabbing the album art and lyrics

General MusicUtility

How to use the bot

This bot uses the Spotify API of discord to grab informations (especially the cover art) of a user listening to spotify. Therefore, you or the targeted member has to listen to Spotify in order for it to work. For example, if you need the spotify album art, just throw on Spotify and run the command: sp-listen. You can also grab the lyrics of the currently playing song with sp-lyrics


This bot does not play music from Spotify or anywhere else!!!

Command list

sp-listen [member=None]: Creates an embed that displays:

  • the title of the song currently playing
  • a link to the song
  • the artist or artists (in a collab)
  • the album name
  • the album cover
  • a link to the album cover (640x640)
  • the track ID of the song


Leave member blank to select yourself.

sp-lyrics [member=None]: Creates an embed that displays:

  • the song title and the artist
  • a link to the genius lyrics
  • the album cover


Leave member blank to select yourself.


Warning: Song lyrics can be explicit, neither the bot owner nor the API owner can be held responsible

sp-findlyrics [title] [artist]: Searches for the lyrics but independant of your listening activity. Remember to include double quotes (") for keywords with spaces.

sp-scan [keyword]: Scans through the server and posts an embed for every match

Can use following as input:

  • the title of the sing
  • the album name
  • the track ID


Keep in mind that the keyword is case-sensitive.

sp-help: Shows the help for this bot

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1 invite this week

889 invites total

Prefix: sp-

Submitted: 06/29/2020

Approved: 08/22/2020

Edited: 08/12/2020

Tip: Sorting your searches by relevance give you more relevant results compared to other sorting options.