
Preserver has different features such as Fun, Leveling, Role Management, Custom Prefixes and more that can be modified using commands.
Type of Commands:
Command |
Description |
8ball |
Randomly answers your questions. |
afk |
Shows that you are Away From Keyboard (AFK). |
avatar |
Shows the avatar of a user mentioned or the author himself/herself. |
botinfo |
Shows the all information about the bot. |
cooldown |
Shows the cooldown of a certain command. |
daily |
Gives the executor random amount of points. Note that you can only use this command once a day. |
donate |
Directs you to the donate link of Preserver. |
help |
Shows all available commands of Preserver. |
invite |
Shows the invite link and support server of the bot. |
ping |
Shows the ping/latency of the Preserver. |
rank |
Shows the rank of a user mentioned or the author. |
serverinfo |
Shows the information about the server. |
status |
Shows the status of the bot. |
whois |
Shows WHO IS this user. Shows all information about a certain user or the author. |
Command |
Description |
jumble |
A game command that allows you to analyze the jumbled word to get points. |
score |
Shows the score of a user in all games. |
top |
Shows the leaderboard for Jumble Game. |
Command |
Description |
remindme |
Reminds you something in a certain amount of time. |
weekly |
Weekly command for donators that gives random amount of xp. |
Command |
Description |
ban |
Bans a user. |
clearwarn |
Clear all warnings of a user |
infractions |
Shows the list of warns of a user. |
kick |
Kicks a user. |
mute |
Mutes a user for a certain amount of time. |
purge |
Deletes messages not older than 14 days. |
temporaryban |
Temporarily bans a user. |
unban |
Unbans a banned user. |
unmute |
Unmutes a muted user. |
warn |
Warns a user |
Command |
Description |
autoleave |
Sets a custom message for every member that leaves the guild. |
autolist |
Shows all list of auto message of the guild. (Auto-leave, Auto-welcome, etc…) |
autowelcome |
Sets a custom message for every member that joins the guild. |
logmessage |
Sets a custom log message for every moderation command that got used. |
rolecount |
Shows the number of users that has a certain role. |
roleusers |
Shows the users that has a certain role. |
setautorole |
Sets a custom role that is given to users that joins the guild. |
setchannelname |
Sets or Changes the channel name. |
setprepfix |
Sets a custom prefix for the certain guild. |
settopic |
Sets or Changes the channel topic. |
- To be caught up about the updates for Preserver. Just join our support server. All updates and all information are in the server so make sure to check it out.
Note: To have access to Donator Commands, you can Donate to use which will help us with continuing our project and will give you access to more features that are not listed above.