
A Discord bot that automatically fetches latest map submissions on, latest FH’s tweets, and alerts whenever FH goes live on Twitch!

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Unofficial ForgeHub Discord Bot ⚒️

A Discord bot that automatically fetches latest map submissions on, latest FH's tweets, and alerts whenever FH goes live on Twitch! The bot can optionnally post an alert whenever ForgeHub's Twitch channel goes live, and also post automatically any new tweet from the official @ForgeHub Twitter account.

Invite the bot then run !fh to start the user-friendly step-by-step setup wizard!

Full list of available commands

You can get the full list of available commands by typing !fh help (or !fh aide in French). If you changed the default prefix, you'll have to use it with the help command. Please find below the default ones in English:

General commands

  • !fh help : send help.
  • !fh latest map: I will show the latest map submitted on
  • !fh latest tweet : I'll post the latest tweet from the official @ForgeHub Twitter account.
  • !fh invite: get an link to invite this bot to your own servers.

Admin commands

  • !fh prefix new-prefix: change the prefix used to call the bot.
  • !fh uninstall: the bot will delete everything it stored about this Discord server and will leave it.

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0 invites this week

71 invites total

Prefix: !fh

Submitted: 05/03/2020

Approved: 06/19/2020

Edited: 05/04/2020

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