This bot has not been approved. It may not comply with our requirements, so be careful inviting it.


Use highly configurable alerts inside your discord server for stream, follow, clips and more!

General SocialUtility

Stream Alerts (Lyvego) let you use highly configurable alerts inside your discord server for stream, follow, clips and more! You can configure the bot with the commands listed below or via our website at


Remove the <> or [] when you are using a command. <arg> mean that arg is required [arg] mean that arg is optional arg1 | arg2 mean arg1 OR arg2.

Command Description
!!help Show help.
!!stream <streamer_name> Send notification when the streamer goes live. (Server only - Admin required)
!!follow <streamer_name> Send notification when someone follow this streamer. (Server only - Admin required)
!!clip <streamer_name> Send notification when someone create a clips for this streamer (Server only - Admin required)
!!setprefix <new_prefix> You can set up a custom prefix (Server only - Admin required)
`!!lang < --list new_language>`
@Stream Alerts (Lyvego) getprefix Views your current guild prefix.
!!invite Send bot link invitation.
!!dashboard Link to lyvego dashboard.
!!topclip <streamer_name> [amount] Get the most watch clips for the past last week. Default amount is 5. (Server only)
!!ping Get current ping for the bot.
!!vote Link to vote for the bot.
!!about About the bot. 🤖

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0 invites this week

0 invites total

Prefix: !! (Customizable)

Submitted: 08/02/2020

Edited: 08/02/2020

Tip: Be careful what permissions you give bots. Only give them the permissions they need.