
Nekomaid is a cute Discord bot with own economy, NSFW, leveling, music, management features and a lot more! Customizable from a web dashboard and entirely free. ❤️

General AnimeEconomyLevelsLoggingModerationMusicNSFWWeb Dashboard

Nekomaid is a cute Discord bot with own economy, NSFW, leveling, music, management features and a lot more! Customizable from a web dashboard and entirely free. ❤️

❤️ NekoMaid offers a variety of cute emotes to express yourself with, very own economy system to increase your server's activity, customizable leveling system, moderation tools and many more…

What might you want:
– Custom welcome/leave messages
– Automatic roles for new members
– Leveling system with ranks
– Moderation tools (ban, kick, mute, …)
– Easily getting emotes from other servers onto yours
– Member/Bot/Role/Channel counters


> Help & Information
help, info, invite, ping, prefix, site, suggest, support/server, upvote/vote

> Actions
arrest, bite, cuddle, hug, kill, kiss, lick, nom, pat, poke, slap, tickle

> Emotes
angry, blush, borgar, cry, dance, lewd, pout, sleepy, smile, smug, think

> Fun
8ball, animetrivia, cat, dog, foxgirl, impostor, neko, nicklettergiveaway, nickletterrequest, owoify, roll

> Profile
bal/balance/bank, beg, build, building, buildings, buildingsglobal, buildingsguide, buy, crime, daily, deposit/dep, divorce, item, marry, notifications, profile, rep, shop, slots, steal, top/leaderboard/lb, transfer/pay, use, useall, withdraw/with, work

> Utility
ava/avatar, customembed, getemote, osu, osulast, osurecent, osuset, osutop, poll, roleinfo, rr/reactionroles, safebooru, say, serverinfo, userinfo/memberinfo

> Music
clearqueue, leave/stop, np, pause, play/p, queue, repeat/loop, resume, shuffle, skip

> Moderation
ban, bans, clear/purge, clearwarns, kick, mute, mutes, slowmode, someone, unban, unmute, warn, warns

> Server Config
Most configuration is found here - nm!config

> Audit Logs
Logging moderation events - nm!auditlog

> Leveling
Own configurable leveling system - nm!leveling

> Moderation
Most moderation settings - nm!moderation

And many more…
For help with any command type - nm!help <command>

Want to share NekoMaid along with other bots? Click here to add it to a list!

All reviews (10)

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59 invites this week

28,471 invites total

Prefix: nm!

Submitted: 05/19/2020

Resubmitted: 06/24/2020

Approved: 07/11/2020

Edited: 07/23/2021

Tip: Be careful what permissions you give bots. Only give them the permissions they need.