
An advanced math calculator with complex numbers, unit conversion, regression analysis, graphing, and more.

General Utility

Basic calculator usage

The most frequently used command is c-calculate, c-c for short. Type c-calculate followed by an expression to get the answer:

c-calculate 3*4 -> 12

c-calculate (11-4)*2 -> 14

You can declare variables and use them in later calculations. The special variable ans represents the result of the last calculation you made:

c-calculate x=5 -> 5

c-calculate y=x^2 -> 25

c-calculate ans -> 25

c-calculate x+y -> 30

You can also define custom functions:

c-calculate quadraticformula(a, b, c) = (-b + sqrt(b^2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2a)

c-calculate quadraticformula(1, 5, 6) -> -2

CalcBot supports a wide variety of functions and constants; you can find the full list here.

c-calculate sin(pi/2) -> 1

c-calculate log(10) -> 1

c-calculate ln(e) -> 1

c-calculate log(8, 2) -> 3

c-calculate sqrt(16) -> 4

c-calculate root(6, 729) -> 3

c-calculate sqrt(-4) -> 2i

c-calculate 6! -> 720

c-calculate phi -> 1.618033988749895


  • Powerful scientific calculator (c-calculate) with complex number support
  • Many computer algebra features, with derivative / integral calculation (c-calculate derivative, c-calculate integral), root-finding (c-calculate newtonmethod), limit estimation (c-calculate limit), simplification, etc.
  • Linear / polynomial regression analysis with c-regression (c-regression linear / c-regression polynomial)
  • Render beautiful graphs with (c-graph quick or c-graph create)
  • Unit conversions with support for custom ratios (c-unitconvert / c-uc)
  • Polynomial and vector modules (c-polynomial, c-vector)
  • Find recently deleted / edited messages (c-recollect)
  • Run c-help for more information and examples for each command

CalcBot is constantly being developed! A full update log is available on my support server. If you'd like to report an issue or suggest a feature, run c-report (which are publicly visible on my support server), c-anonreport (your username will not be sent with the request) or message me directly at POOLED#9848!

NOTE: If CalcBot does not respond to c-help upon invitiation, make sure CalcBot has permissions to send in the server / channel.

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Used in 5,085 servers

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228 invites total

Prefix: c-

Submitted: 05/03/2020

Approved: 06/17/2020

Edited: 08/28/2021

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