
A League bot with simple commands and a unique system for displaying information. Also upload clips to Ahri's site and share them anytime!

General FunGames

Ahri now uses U.GG for all champion data!

Hello I am a student in high school and for the past few months I've been working on a discord bot for League of Legends and today I'm finally sharing it to people for testing/usage. Ahri is intended to be a user-friendly and useful bot whose main purpose is to provide simple insight into summoners / champions. I developed Ahri trying to design around user-interaction rather than dumping information everywhere. With that said here is the list of features Ahri currently has.

Summoner Profiles:
This is Ahri's flagship feature, Ahri (by default) looks through a summoner's last 50 games and gathers statistics from those games, this feature does not use assistance from external websites and with the help of arguments, is able to provide a wide range of results.

Champion Profiles:
Another important feature of Ahri is her ability to look up champions. I WILL ADMIT, this feature is not yet done (I only started working on it yesterday), I am generally pretty proficient at getting these features working so you can expect a clean champion search within the next few days. Despite that, here is currently what a champion search looks like (THIS DOES UTILIZE U.GG'S DATA):

  • Search W/ role (I promise you this will look cleaner in a day or two, it's more or less a prototype)

I wanted to set Ahri apart from most other bots, I've always found it a pain to share my League highlights with my friends and so I build both a website and an on-board command to allow for easier highlight sharing. As of right now you are able to upload League highlights (max 40MB) to my website (using a generated link from the bot) and Ahri will compress the video and store it allowing for quick and easy re-posting. The upload system works flawless but it's not entirely what I want it to be yet, in the near-future you should expect a search system (to find cool highlights) + a like system where the most-liked highlight(s) win a monthly giveaway. Below shows the posting of a highlight.

Below are the current list of commands, for a up-to-date list check the main website!

Command Description
a!lookup [summoner] (region) -champion Ahri -maxgames 50 -threshold 4 Searches information on a given summoner. (Lookup is a flexible command and allows for both champion and summoner lookup)
a!lookup [champion] (role) [best/top/jg/mid/bot/sup] Provides information on the given champion. (Lookup is a flexible command and allows for both champion and summoner lookup)
a!highlight upload Creates an upload link for League highlights. The link is valid for 2 minutes once generated. DO NOT SHARE, otherwise your daily uploads may be used by other people, you have been warned.
a!highlight list Lists both the name and ID of all of your current highlights.
a!highlight post [ID] Posts the highlight of the given ID
a!highlight search [query] Searches for highlights with the given query
a!highlight rename [ID] [Name] Renames a highlight, you must be the highlight's owner.
a!highlight delete [ID] Deletes the highlight with the given ID, you must be the highlight's owner.
a!tierlist Displays the top 15 champions of this patch in each role.
a!clash [summoner] Shows the clash team the summoner is in and team member's roles.

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Submitted: 04/12/2020

Approved: 06/12/2020

Edited: 04/12/2020

Tip: Reviewing bots helps others find good bots, and gives the owners valuable feedback.