
Generate messages and memes from your messages!

General FunMultiple Languages

GenAi is a bot that uses Markov chain to generate messages, based on messages written by members of guild. For example, if you wrote hello world and world of gamers, then GenAi can send hello world of gamers.

For privacy reasons, bot can read messages after you enable channel's messages reading (

You can generate

  • Messages
    • Regular messages
    • Dialogues
    • B*tthurts
  • Images
    • Rage comics
    • Demotivators
    • Jacque Fresco's quotes
    • Images with Lobster or Impact text
    • "when the" memes

This bot have some features

  • You can configure removing mentions and links
  • Also you can configure interval of "auto-generation" (send message every N message, or make it randomized)
  • Multi-localization (help with translation)
  • Wipe all messages or messages with pattern from channel
  • Import your own lines (from pastebin or hastebin)

You can view detailed information about a command with commandName

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Used in 45,057 servers

0 invites this week

678 invites total

Prefix: g.

Submitted: 02/12/2020

Resubmitted: 03/19/2020

Approved: 03/19/2020

Edited: 01/04/2022

Tip: Reviewing bots helps others find good bots, and gives the owners valuable feedback.