
Rocket is a Discord Bot which allows you do various things, for example, you can check earn money or moderate your server.

General EconomyFunSocial

Rocket is a Discord Bot which allows you to do various things, for example, you can earn cash or check your balance, or send Memes. We have commands which will allow you to check information on the bot itself or other users in your server too, such as what roles they have, when they created their profile and the bots ping and its uptime. All the commands are fully functional and have been tested but there are always new commands being added. Here is a list of the current commands and what they do.

Administrator This includes commands that require Admin permissions within the server.

  • addcmd: add guild custom commands.
  • addrole: add a role to a user.
  • announce: announce something in a channel.
  • ban: ban a user.
  • ctopic: update the channel topic.
  • delcmd: delete the custom command.
  • delete: delete message, up to 100.
  • kick: kick a user.
  • lockchannel: lock a channel.
  • mute: mute a user.
  • prefix: set a prefix for your server.
  • say: let the bot say something.
  • set: set a default channel or role.
  • softban: softban a user.
  • stealemoji: steal an emoji from a different server.
  • unlockchannel: unlock a channel.
  • unmute: unmute a user.
  • unset: unset/disable an option.
  • warn: warns a user.
  • warnings: returns how many warnings a user has.

Animal This includes commands that are animal related.

  • bunny: shows a picture of a bunny.
  • cat: generates an image of a cat.
  • cow: generates a cow in chat.
  • dog: generates an image of a dog.
  • duck: shows a picture of a duck.
  • fox: shows a picture of a fox.
  • lizard: hows a picture of a lizard.
  • owl: shows a picture of a owl.
  • panda: generates an image of a panda.
  • shibe: returns an image of a shibe.

Economy This includes commands that are economy related.

  • balance: check what your balance is.
  • buy: buy an item from the store.
  • daily: earn cash daily.
  • deposit: deposit trinkets to your bank.
  • dice: roll a dice.
  • inventory: view your or a user inventory.
  • lb: provides the user with a leaderboard containing the top 10 users money.
  • profile: see the full profile of a user.
  • rob: rob up to 1000 trinkets from somebody.
  • store: view the store/shop to buy something.
  • withdraw: withdraw trinkets to your bank.
  • work: work for cash.

Entertainment This includes commands that are entertainment related.

  • 8ball: generates a response to your question.
  • advice: gives you advice.
  • ascii: transform text to ascii.
  • av: generates the users avatar.
  • bet: bet on somebody.
  • block: write text with blocks.
  • calc: calculate something.
  • compliment: get a compliment.
  • flipcoin: flip a coin.
  • gay: tells a user how gay they are.
  • happiness: get a happiness returned.
  • iq: get a random Iq returned.
  • joke: generates a dadjoke.
  • kill: kills a user.
  • meme: generates a meme.

Rocket This includes commands that are relating to the bot itself.

  • donate: provides donation links.
  • help: provides the user with beautiful menu of commands.
  • info: provides information about the bot.
  • invite: provides the user with links, which they can invite or vote for bot.
  • ping: provides the bots ping.
  • sinfo: provides information for that server.
  • uptime: provides the bots uptime.
  • vote: provides the voting link.

Rubiks Cubes This includes commands that are rubiks cube related.

  • 2x-7x: generates random scrambles for each of the the 2x-7x cubes.
  • 2x2: generates random scramble for the 2x2x2.
  • 2x2x3: generates random scramble for the 2x2x3.
  • 3x3: generates random scramble for the 3x3x3.
  • 4x4: generates random scramble for the 4x4x4.
  • 5x5: generates random scramble for the 5x5x5.
  • 6x6: generates random scramble for the 6x6x6.
  • 7x7: generates random scramble for the 7x7x7.
  • mini: generates random scramble for all the cubes that are shaped differently.
  • oh: generates random scramble for the one handed.
  • pyraminx: generates random scramble for the pyraminx.
  • rclock: generates random scramble for the clock.
  • skewb: generates random scramble for the skewb.
  • squareone: generates random scramble for the square one.

Noah This includes commands that require you to have ownership of rocket.

  • blacklist: remove/add blacklist from a user.
  • eval: evaluates any string and execute it.
  • guilds: view all guilds the bot is in.
  • leaveguild: leaves a guild by the provided Id.
  • nickname: set the bot's nick name in a guild.
  • shutdown: shuts the bot down.

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All reviews (2)

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0 invites this week

499 invites total

Prefix: r. (customisable)

Submitted: 03/18/2020

Approved: 03/26/2020

Edited: 12/15/2020

Tip: Be careful what permissions you give bots. Only give them the permissions they need.