
PantherBot is a multi-purpose bot that can play music into your server directly from YouTube, has daily and working rewards under the economy subset, and moderation features like kicking, banning, muting and warning members. It can also create, add, remove and delete roles. Further, it has a lot of developement tools like DNS and Whois lookup.

General EconomyModerationMusicUtility

PantherBot is a multi-purpose Discord bot. It originally started as a fun project for the server of my school's club. Gradually, I decided to turn this into a global bot, and there are a good number of servers now, which like and appreciate PantherBot.

PantherBot is extremely easy to use, with lots of cool features. The categories of commands are outlined below:

  • General
  • Moderation
  • Settings
  • Music
  • Economy
  • Utility
  • Role Management
  • Fun

Add PantherBot to your server and use $help to get a list of all the cool commands. To get more information on a command, use $help command-name

The prefix is cutomizable too, just use $prefix new-prefix to set the new identifier for PantherBot. You can even mention the bot with the command, which eliminates the need of the prefix altogether. For example, @PantherBot help will send the list of available commands, just like $help.

If you want help with the bot, or have any suggestions, join the support server. In addition, any errors that might be thrown during the execution of a command are logged in the support server as well.

I've put in a lot of effort in the development and maintenance of PantherBot. Hope you like my creation! 😃

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1 invite this week

312 invites total

Prefix: $ (customizable)

Submitted: 04/19/2020

Resubmitted: 07/14/2020

Approved: 08/07/2020

Edited: 08/07/2020

Tip: Reviewing bots helps others find good bots, and gives the owners valuable feedback.