
Repcord is a simple, cross-server reputation bot that aims at keeping users safe, and at keeping the bad guys at bay. When a new user joins your server, you can quickly check their reputation to see if they are a scammer, a creep or just a nice person! The data fueling this bot is fueled by users, so be sure to rep people that you encounter!

General UtilityEconomyWeb DashboardFunSocialModeration


Know who you're dealing with before the first "Hello".

Repcord is a simple, cross-server reputation bot that aims at keeping users safe, and at keeping the bad guys at bay. When a new user joins your server, you can quickly check their reputation to see if they are a scammer, a creep or just a nice person! The data fueling this bot is fueled by users, so be sure to rep people that you encounter! Proudly developed using JDA!


  • Displays help regarding the bot and it's commands
::rep @user [+/-] [a short comment]
  • Lets you give positive or negative reputation to another user
  • Example: ::rep @Patrity#0001 + Thanks for making Repcord!
::check @user
  • Displays a summary about the user and provides a link to view detailed information
::prefix <new prefix>
  • Server Owner Only
  • Allows you to set a new prefix ::help is still available.
  • Provides links to vote for the bot.
  • Voting for the bot gives you a 12 hour rep power boost!
  • Provides link to donate to RepCord
  • Receive perks like increased power, decresed cooldown, and profile perks!
  • provides a link to invite the bot to your own server!
  • provides technical information about the bot

Other Features

Web Site

RepCord has an intuitive and user-friendly website to track your reputation given, reputation received and to keep tabs on your friends! By signing into our website you are also able to modify any reputations you have given in the past, set a bio, and set a title (if you are a donator)

We are in the process of completely revamping our website to preform more like an application! This will bring a server admin panel for admins to configure more options like blocking users who have negative rep, etc!

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Prefix: ::

Submitted: 09/20/2019

Approved: 09/20/2019

Edited: 10/29/2019

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