
A Discord bot for mobile game Azur Lane. It allows you to access game data (ships, equipments, images) on your discord server easily.

General AnimeGames

Prinz Eugen Discord Bot


Before using any command first you must use command prefix. Afterwards type the command name, mandatory arguments and then if you like additional arguments.

Command name and arguments are case insensitive so you can use PRiNZ EugEN instead of Prinz Eugen but prefix isn't.

Example: !ship prinz eugen

!: Command prefix

ship: Command name

prinz eugen: Mandatory argument which is ship name in this example.

If you type a command that requires at least 1 mandatory argument without using any (for example: !ship), bot will send you information on how to use that command.

Arguments written inside [] are mandatory arguments meaning you must fill them to use the command.

Arguments written inside () are additional arguments. You don't need to use these but if you do it'll have additional effects to the command. For example this is help command's usage: !help (command-name). When used without command name it'll show command list and when used with one it'll show information on that command.

Finally some commands accept flags. You must type - before each flag and use all flags at the end of the command. Also some flags cannot be used at the same time. For example !ship command accepts 4 flags which are: lv120, lv100, base and retrofit. These flags will change ship's stats in bot's response accordingly. Example: !ship prinz eugen -lv120 will display level 120 stats of Prinz Eugen. !ship cassin -lv100 -retrofit will show level 100 retrofit stats of Cassin.

Help command

Usage: !help (command-name)

Description: Shows command list when used without arguments and shows command info when used with command name.

About command

Usage: !about

Description: Shows information about this bot. Such as uptime, number of users and guilds, link to support server of the bot etc.

Feedback command

Usage: !feedback [feedback-message]

Description: A command to send feedback to bot owner. Use it for bug reports, suggestions etc.

Example: !feedback Feedback command doesn't work please fix it. Wait... what?

Ship command

Usage: !ship [ship-name or ship-id] (flags)

Description: Posts basic information about ship such as stats, nationality, type, class, skills etc. By default it'll show level 100 stats.

Accepted flags: lv120 lv100 base retrofit

Example1: !ship z23 will show level 100 stats.

Example2: !ship z23 -retrofit will show z23 retrofit level 100 stats.

Example3: !ship z23 -lv120 -retrofit will show z23 retrofit level 120 stats.

Build command

Usage: !build [build-time]

Description: Shows the list of ships that are constructed in the given time. Build time should be in following formats: hh:mm or hh:mm:ss

Example: !build 4:40:0 !build 4:40 Both of these commands whill show the list of ships that are constructed in 4 hours and 40 minutes.

Image command

Usage: !image [ship-name or ship-id] (flags)

Description: Shows default image of the ship when used without flags. Use flags to display skin image or chibi images.

Accepted flags: skins skin chibi

Aliases: img


!image ayanami -chibi Will show Ayanami's default chibi image.

!image ayanami -skins Will show you list of Ayanami's skins. Choose one by reacting the message to display selected skin.

!image ayanami -skins -chibi Same as above but will show chibi image of selected skin.

Equipment Command

Usage: !equipment [equipment-name] (flags)

Description: Shows equipment info.

Accepted flags: type0 type1 type2 type3

Aliases: eq


!equipment 533mm quadruple homing torpedo will show highest type of this equipment.

!equipment 533mm quadruple homing torpedo -type2 will show T2 version of this equipment.

Howtoget Command

Usage: !howtoget [ship-name or ship-id]

Description: Shows how can you acquire the ship.

Aliases: htg

Example: !htg cassin

Ship aliases

It is hard to remember or write long ship names so I have added aliases to some of them. You can use these aliases instead of their full name. If you have a ship alias suggestion to the list use !feedback command to let me know. In the future you'll be able to add your own custom alias for ships that'll only work in your server.

  • San Diego: sandy
  • Illustrious: lusty
  • Enterprise: enty
  • Universal Bullin: elite bullin, purple bullin
  • Trial Bullin MKII: ssr bullin, gold bullin, yellow bullin
  • Queen Elizabeth: elizabeth, lolizabeth
  • Indianapolis: indy
  • Prince of Wales: pow
  • Duke of York: doy
  • Victorious: victy
  • Admiral Graf Spee: graf spee
  • Prinz Eugen: prinz, eugen
  • South Dakota: soda, sodak


  • [ ] Posting game updates.
    • In a channel of your choosing, bot will post the new updates about game.
  • [ ] Custom prefix.
  • [ ] Server specific ship aliases.
    • Although there are global ship aliases that works in every server, you can make your own aliases that'll work only in your server.
  • [ ] Did you mean ...? feature.
    • Did you type !ship pennsylvanas by mistake? Bot will ask if you've meant pennsylvania instead.
  • [ ] Other languages
    • Infrastructure for this is already there. In the future if there are volunteers to translate stuff, I might add other languages.

Feel free to leave your feature suggestions using !feedback command.

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Prefix: !

Submitted: 04/25/2020

Approved: 06/14/2020

Edited: 04/25/2020

Tip: You can click on tags to see a bot's description for that tag.