
A multipurpose bot with Music, a Ticket System, Gambling, Memes, Levels, Moderation commands and more!

General EconomyFunGamesLevelsLoggingMemesModeration


Are you tired of having multiple bots with each of them having a different setup, prefix,…

Than try out Rapture! A multi-purpose bot with a leveling system like MEE6, a logging system like Dyno, a music system like Rythm and much more.

The Default prefix is "-"


  • 99.99% Up time, 24/7/365
  • Music - High performance and quality music streaming backed by serious hardware
  • Tickets - A ticket system with transcripts for the creator and the admins
  • Leveling - A leveling system very similar to MEE6
  • Moderation - ban, kick, mute, unmute, warn, clear
  • Economy - A small economy where you can earn daily points together with gambling
  • Games - Gamble away your points with games (or win)
  • Fun - Some fun stuff like avatar, cat, dog, joke,…
  • Logging - Log stuff like an edited and deleted message or a user who joins or leaves


The bot prefix is -
-setup Use this command first or nothing will work
-help After the setup, use -help to see all available commands

Global Commands:


-help Show all available commands
-serverinfo Show info about the current server


-ticket Open a new ticket
-close <reason> Close the ticket (can only be used inside a ticket)
-add <@user> <#ticketchannel> Add a user to a ticket
-remove <@user> <#ticketchannel> Remove a user from a ticket
-transcript Create a transcript of the ticket


-daily Get your daily amount of random points
-balance Check your current balance
-withdraw <amount> Withdraw points
-deposit <amount> Deposit points
-rob Rob a person of coins (24h cooldown)
-slots <amount> Play a game of slots
-captcha Play a game of captcha
-guessthenumber Play a game of guess the number
-luckydoor Play a game of lucky doors
-rps Play a game of rock paper siscors
-rusroulette Play a game of russian roulette


-level Show your current level
-rank Show your rank card
-leaderboard Show the top 10 ranking of your server


-avatar <@user> Show the avatar of yourself or somebody else enlarged
-meme Show a random meme
-cat Show a random cat
-dog Show a random dog
-joke Show a random joke
-whois Show information about yourself or somebody else


-play <artist-song name/YT-URL> Play a song by name or via YouTube URL
-pause Pause the current song
-resume Resume the last paused song
-skip Skip the current song
-queue Show the queue of songs
-clearqueue Clear the queue of songs
-volume <0-100> Change the volume of the music for the entire voice channel
-stop Stop all music and disconnect the bot from the voice channel

Admin Commands:


-ban <@user> <reason> Ban a user
-tempban <@user> <time(1d2h3m4s)> <reason> Ban a user for a specific amount of time
-kick <@user> <reason> Kick a user
-tempmute <@user> <time(1d2h3m4s)> <reason> Mute a user for a specific amount of time
-warn <@user> <reason> Warn a user
-clear <1-100> Clear an amount of message
-prefix Change the server prefix

Server Setup & Adjustments

-setup (First time only when the bot joins your guild)
-set change anything you set in the setup command
-reset Reset the xp and levels of the users in your guild

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All reviews (1)

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3 invites this week

1,872 invites total

Prefix: -

Submitted: 04/25/2020

Resubmitted: 07/08/2020

Approved: 07/25/2020

Edited: 07/07/2021

Tip: Do you have feedback for us? Let us know on our Discord server!