
Bringing the beautiful game (of football) to discord. Rule the world of discord with your very own football player!

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⚽ 🥅 Footballing Stars 🥅 ⚽

The new and unique discord bot bringing more interaction into your server, based off of the beautiful game of football (soccer).


  • Control your very own player
  • Tournaments
  • Train every day, increasing interaction!
  • Watch your player compete live in 1v1 matches.
  • Compete agaisnt players across the discord universe!
  • Have the ability to organise server vs server competitions? Think you've got the superior server? Prove it.

Commands +help

Player commands

⚽ +player create [firstName] [secondName] [GK/DEF/MID/ST]
⚽ +player train [PHYS/ATTK/DEF/GK] [firstName] [secondName]
⚽ +player stats [firstName] [secondName]
⚽ +player attributes [firstName] [secondName]
⚽ +player delete [firstName] [secondName]

User Commands

👕 +user stats
👕 +user players

Other Commands

⚡ +fs buy slot
⚡ +fs donate
⚡ +fs stats
⚡ +fs upvote

Match Commands

🏆 +match play [firstName] [secondName] [other player firstName] [other player secondName]
🏆 +match quick [firstName] [secondName]

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551 invites total

Prefix: + or @footballing stars

Submitted: 06/02/2019

Approved: 06/02/2019

Edited: 10/26/2020

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