
FaceBot is a bot that can detect facial expressions, age, gender, and hair color in pictures of human faces.

General Fun

FaceBot is a bot that can detect human faces in a provided image and give you information about what it sees.

FaceBot will tell you:

  • Age of the person
  • Gender of the person
  • Hair color
  • What emotion the person is expressing based on their facial expression

Type face!help to get started.

How to use:

Upload an image and type face!info as the caption


Type face!info (URL to image)

FaceBot takes a picture of a face and gives you info about it. If you need help, please join the support server.

face!info (URL or attachment) - Takes the specified picture and detects faces.

Want to share FaceBot along with other bots? Click here to add it to a list!

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460 invites total

Prefix: face!

Submitted: 05/15/2020

Approved: 07/19/2020

Edited: 07/26/2020

Tip: Be careful what permissions you give bots. Only give them the permissions they need.