SaltBot is a multi-purpose bot mainly focused on fun commands like creating memes, fighting to the death, bottle flipping, NSFW and more!
SaltBot is a multi-purpose bot mainly focused on fun commands like meme-image processing, fights to the death, fidget spinning, bottle flipping and more! We also got NSFW stuff.
<required> [optional]
Fun 🎪
-anime Get a list of 40+ NSFW/hentai commands
-fight <user> [user] Fight with someone, last one alive wins!
-spinnerduel <user> Challenge someone to an epic fidget spinner battle in real-time!
-spinner [color] Spin your own fidget spinner. Why does everything have to be a battle?
-bottleflip Try to hit an epic bottle flip. Yup.
-opinion [question] Ask the bot a yes/no question, maybe he got some good insights?
-heal <user> I need healing!
-fact Get an (hopefully) interesting fact about Salt.
Image editing 🖼
-natsuki <goodimg> <badimg> Natsuki approves
-dangofy <img> Make your own tasty dango!
-plottwist <img> Top 10 anime plottwists
-death <img> Top 10 anime deaths
-powerful <img> Damn, that thing is powerful!
-betrayal <img> Top 10 anime betrayals
-gone <text> 🦀 SOMETHING IS GONE 🦀
Utility 🔨
-avatar [user] Get someones avatar
-invite Gets an invite link to invite SaltBot to a server
-joindate [user] Gets the date when you (or someone else) joined discord
-uptime Shows time since the last restart
-stats Shows bot statistics
-coinflip Flips a coin
-help Shows… help
Reactions 👍
-hot Ahh. That’s hot, that’s hot.
-sad This is so sad.
-kanye When something is very cool!
-reverse Sends a reverse card with a random color.
-victory Achieves that W!
-salt Gives you information about salt
-no <anime/kpop/hentai/fortnite> Forbid something
Anime 👀
smug, cuddle, slap, pat, gecg, holo, poke, feed, fox, baka, kemonomimi, hug, kiss, tickle
solog, feet, smallboobs, lewdkemo, solo, cum, les, erokemo, bj, pwankg, ero, hololewd, tits, nekog, eroyuri, holoero, pussy, random, yuri, keta, hentai, feetg, eron, erok, nsfw_avatar, erofeet, wallpaper, blowjob, spank, kuni, classic, femdom, boobs, trap, lewd, anal, futanari, ngif, lewdk
Sounds awesome?
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