
This is a bot that keeps track of images in configured channels and lets you know when a duplicate is posted. Useful on servers with image posting channels such as wallpapers. When a duplicate is detected, a ♻ reaction is made on the message and if configured, a detailed embed is made on log channel.

General Utility

Getting Started

After inviting bot to your server, use !watch command to start tracking images from selected channel. It will take a while before it scans older messages from the channel to identify old images. By default it tracks images up to 30 days ago, you can change this with !history command. You can check progress with !missing hashes and !missing process. It is also recommended to use !set log command to choose a channel where the duplicate image info will be posted. Without this, only a ♻ reaction will be seen on new duplicated content.


  • commands: Shows available commands depending on your permissions
  • missing hashes: Shows how many images are currently queued for calculating its hash (necessary for duplicate detection). Only available to mods or admins
  • delete image: takes an image id or message id as parameter and deletes from internal database the referenced images. Only available to mods or admins
  • missing process: Shows how many images already have their hash but have not been compared against others to check for duplicates. Only available to mods or admins
  • difference: takes 2 image ids or message ids and calculates the hash difference between them (under 10 is usually the same or a slight variation)
  • history: set the amount of days the server/channel will keep track of images. Maximum is 90. Category channels also work. If the history of a channel has not been defined, it uses the configuration of its category. If that is not defined either, it uses the configuration of the server. Default for server is 30. Messages will need to be reprocessed if this changes, use sparingly. Only available to admins
  • closest: takes 1 image id or message id and returns info on closest image to that one
  • set admin role: takes a role name to be considered the admin role. All users with this role can use admin commands. The default one is Futaba Admin. Only available to server owner
  • set mod role: takes a role name to be considered the mod role. All users with this role can use mod commands. The default one is Futaba Mod. Only available to server owner
  • set log: takes a channel id or name and sets it as the log channel. Here detailed information on duplicates will be posted. It is important to have this set to avoid thinking an image with a ♻ reaction is a duplicate when it could be just a false positive (if not, can use closest command to know). Only availale to admins
  • unset log: removes log channel from server configuration. Only availale to admins
  • set prefix: Sets command prefix. Default is !. Only availale to admins
  • watch: takes a channel id or name and starts keeping track of its images according to history. Only availale to admins
  • unwatch: takes a channel id or name and stops keeping track of its images. Only availale to admins
  • config: shows current server configuration. Only available to mods
  • help: displays link to github

Note: admin is either someone with the configured admin role or with administrator permissions. A mod is someone with the configured mod role or with manage guild permission

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Used in 221 servers

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400 invites total

Prefix: !

Submitted: 05/11/2019

Approved: 05/11/2019

Edited: 05/11/2019

Tip: Be careful what permissions you give bots. Only give them the permissions they need.