This bot has not been approved. It may not comply with our requirements, so be careful inviting it.


Nitrole can give your users Nitro and Hypesquad roles, simply by having them click a link!

General Web DashboardUtility

Nitrole is a one of a kind bot that allows server owners to accurately and without moderator input assign roles for users with Nitro and Hypesquad.

Simply invite the bot, select the server you want to use it in and choose the roles you want to give it. Nitrole can give roles for Nitro (Full), Nitro Classic (Old Nitro), Hypesquad Events, Hypesquad Brilliance, Hypesquad Balance and Hypesquad Bravery!

When you are done, type n>sendmessage in a channel that is visible to your users.

All reviews (3)

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Used in 722 servers

0 invites this week

417 invites total

Prefix: n>

Submitted: 12/24/2018

Approved: 12/24/2018

Edited: 01/26/2019

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