
The all-in-one, highly customizable Discord bot. With Announce, Auto-mod, Leveling, Music, Timers, and more!

General LevelsLoggingModerationMusicUtilityWeb Dashboard

3PG - The all-in-one, highly customizable Discord bot.

… now with 25+ customizable commands! Type .help to get started …

Music Player

Play Music via Dashboard

Listen to music on Discord and control playback directly from your Dashboard, or with commands.


Earn Levels and Compete with Others

Level up your Discord server, with 3PG's XP system! Compete with others; 3PG can make your server the best it can be!

Announce Events

Stay Notified of Important Events

Never miss an important event! With 3PG's announcements, choose from a wide range of events to log.

Command and Message Timers

Automate Tasks, Messages, and More!

Automate any command, in any channel, whenever. With timers, you can schedule commands and messages.


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3 invites this week

436 invites total

Prefix: /

Submitted: 01/30/2020

Approved: 03/18/2020

Edited: 06/26/2020

Tip: You can click on tags to see a bot's description for that tag.