A fun RPG/game bot with levels, an economy integrated with other bots, customizable server shops, a global leaderboard, and more! We even support 9 languages! Come play with us today!
Just Some of the Things You Can Do:
- Earn quests by just talking!
- Make money by beating quests!
- Get help from a support team that you can have come help you just by using
- Customize your info and profile, with backgrounds, banners, and awards!
- Check out our comprehensive tutorial/FAQ page on the websites!
- Compete with friends to reach the top of the global leaderboard!
- Use a suggestion feature where you can help influence the updates with
! - View an extremely detailed
command with tutorial links, all the command categories, and a sub help-page for every command that you can use, like!help daily
! - Make your own quests, weapons, and shields!
- Change your server’s customizable prefix, using
! - Report any found bugs with
so the owner can get on to fixing them! - Exchange TheelUtil currencies to other bots, such as Pollux, Elite Looter, Dice, and Discord Telephone!
- Set your own language with
!language <ISO language code>
! Supported languages include Spanish (es), Portuguese (pt), Russian (ru), and many more! - ¡Puede establecer su propio idioma con
!language es
! - Você pode definir a sua própria língua com
!language pt
! - Вы можете установить свой собственный язык с помощью
!language ru
Quick tutorial on basic commands:
(A full tutorial can be found at, or in the help page. There's also an old tutorial that I'm working on updating at, that website also has the update log, a dashboard, and more!)
You can view your basic profile with !myinfo
, which shows you all your essential stats (more detailed information can be found with !stats
). When you get a quest from chatting, it will show up in your !myquests
page, and you can then use !acceptquest <quest number>
to accept it, and if you win, you'll get stats, exp, and money! With money, you can buy weapons that are in !shop weapons
. To create a weapon, do !createweapon <weapon name> <hit message> <damage> <accuracy>
. More options can be found in !help createweapon
. Once you buy a weapon with !buy <weapon name>
, you can equip it with !equip <weapon name>
. Then you can repeat the process, and you'll get stronger, and be able to beat stronger quests. Maybe one day, you could even be the strongest in the bot!
Perm Details:
- The bot needs Read/Send Messages to actually be used, however if you want the bot to give you quests but not say anything in all but like 1 or 2 channels, you can just deny Send Messages overall and enable it on a per-channel basis instead of using
for each channel. - The bot needs Embed Links to embed links to the official help website and support server within the help command.
- The bot needs Attach Files in order to send your info and quest screens in Discord, without which you would have to go to the website to view your stats and quests on Discord, then refresh the page to update the info each time you accept a quest, which is extremely cumbersome to do on a regular basis.
- The bot needs Read Message History to execute multi-step commands.
- The bot needs Add Reactions and Use External Emojis to add the question mark emoji reactions indicating improper syntax, and the cross emoji reactions indicating you don’t have permissions for a command. In addition, Use External Emojis is needed for the Fun commands
, and!kek
, the emote representing the currency, stat gains in quest accepting,!dustats
, and others. - The bot needs Manage Roles to add the "Theel Commander" and "Theel OptOut" roles, the former being so normal members can make quests/weapons/shields if given the role, and the latter for if people wish to not be used in commands.
- It is also recommended, though not required, to give the bot Create Instant Invite perms if your server has a team in it, so that members of your team from other servers can join the main gathering place with the
Other Info
- If you use a command that has a
page, and the bot does not reply or add a reaction, that means it has encountered an error in the code. The command that has the error will be automatically reported the the owner so she can fix it as soon as possible. - If the bot reacts with a question mark emote, you're using incorrect syntax. Use
!help <command name>
or visit the command's section of for correct syntax. - If the bot reacts with a cross emote (a red X), you do not have permissions to use that command. Certain commands are for server admins and/or people with the Theel Commander role, and the commands under
!help mod
,!help admin
, and!help owner
refer to Bot Mod, Bot Admin, and Bot Owner, not the server versions, so server mods/admins/owners will not be able to use those commands. - Bot Staff (bot mods, bot admins, and bot owners) will NEVER be able to use the bot to change/harm your server in any way, as all the commands they can use only change a player's stats in the bot's database.
Key: argument required optional
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!bugreport (report)
Leaves a bug report on the official TheelUtil server and trello.
Requires: Discord User
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!suggest (suggestion)
Leaves a suggestion on the official server and trello.
Requires: Discord User
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!buy item name
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!sell item name
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Words or integer > 0
!shop department (page or name)
A place to see all the backgrounds, banners, themes
and weapons on sale.
e.g. !shop weapons
will show all weapons currenly in store.
!shop item
will show extra details about that item.
If you want anything from the shop use the
!buy command!
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
2. Integer > 0 (like 1)
!awards @player (page number)
Shows a players awards!
Note: !awards is an alias for !myawards
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!battlename (name)
Sets your name in TheelUtil.
To reset your name to your discord name, run the command with no arguments.
Alias: bn
Requires: Player
¤50! Your daily TUT/teamcash!
You can use this command once every 24 hours!
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
2. Integer (like 50)
!deposit (player) (amount)
The first command that Theel made, kept for sentimental reasons.
Alias: dep
Requires: Player
Train to get a bit of exp to help you with quests.
This will only give you a bit of exp! But should help you out with quests early on!
You can use this command once every 6 hours!
Alias: ht
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
!info @player
Shows the info of another player!
Note: !info is an alias for !myinfo
Alias: in
Requires: Player
Train to get a bunch of exp to help you with quests.
This will give a lot of exp! But it will mostly help you out with quests early on!
You can use this command once every 12 hours!
Alias: it
Requires: Player
1. Integer > 0 (like 1)
!myawards (page number)
Shows your awards!
Alias: awards
Requires: Player
1. Words or integer > 0
!mybanners (optional banner name)
Shows the banners you've bought!
Alias: banners
Requires: Player
1. Words or integer > 0
!mybgs (optional background name)
Shows the backgrounds you've bought!
Aliases: mybackgrounds, backgrounds, bgs
Requires: Player
Shows your info!
Aliases: mi, info
Requires: Player
Shows the weapon price you're limited to.
Aliases: lim, limit
Requires: Player
Gives the link to your profile
Alias: profile
Requires: Player
Alias: streak
Requires: Player
1. Words or integer > 0
!mythemes (optional theme name)
Shows the amazing themes you can use on your profile.
If you use this command with a theme name you can get a preview of the theme!
Alias: themes
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
!profile @player
Gives a link to a player's profile!
Note: !profile is an alias for !myprofile
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
Resets all your stats & any customization.
This cannot be reversed!
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
2. Integer > 0 (like 1)
3. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!sendcash @player amount (optional message)
Sends some cash to another player.
Note: The maximum amount someone can receive is ten times their limit.
Example usage:
!sendcash @MacDue 1000000 "for the lit bot fam"
!sendcash @MrAwais 1
Alias: sc
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!setbanner (banner name)
Sets your profile banner
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!setbg (background name)
Sets your profile background
Alias: setbackground
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!settheme (theme name)
Sets your profile theme
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
2. Player (ping them or ID)
!stats (player 1) (player 2)
Shows all of your stats without the confusingness of the !info page (but with a lot more clutter), and it also shows hidden stats.
Player 1 and Player 2 arguments are optional, if you use their ID or ping them it'll show their stats in a separate embed.
Requires: Player
Train to get a little exp to help you with quests.
This will never give you much exp! But should help you out with quests early on!
You can use this command once every 2 hours!
Alias: t
Requires: Player
1. Integer > 0 (like 1)
!acceptquest (quest number)
You know what to do. Spam !acceptquest 1
If you just do !aq
, it'll default to accepting your oldest quest.
Alias: aq
Requires: Player
Accepts all the quests you have. You must have at least 5 quests to use this.
This will show battle logs every 5 quests that it beats for you.
Alias: aqa
Requires: Player
1. Integer (like 50)
!autotimer (# of quest reminders)
Lets you know every 5 minutes when to send a message for quests.
You cannot start more autoreminders when some are already ongoing.
Resetting your profile resets your timer count, and max # is 30.
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Integer (like 50)
!copyquest (name)
Lets you copy a quest from another server that you're in with the given name to your current server.
If more than one matching quest is found, you will be asked to select the number of the quest you want.
Alias: cqs
Requires: Server Admin
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Float (like 1.2345)
3. Float (like 1.2345)
4. Float (like 1.2345)
5. Float (like 1.2345)
6. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
7. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
8. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
9. Percentage (like 42%)
10. Integer (like 50)
Guides you through creating a quest.
Alias: cq
Requires: Server Admin
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Float (like 1.2345)
3. Float (like 1.2345)
4. Float (like 1.2345)
5. Float (like 1.2345)
6. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
7. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
8. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
9. Percentage (like 42%)
10. Integer (like 50)
!createquestold name (base attack) (base strg) (base accy) (base hp)
You can also add task string, weapon, image url, spawn chance, rank
after the first four args.
!createquestold "Mega Mouse" 1.3 2 1.1 32
This makes a quest named "Mega Mouse".
With base values:
Atk = 1.3
Strg = 2
Accy = 1.1
HP = 32
!createquestold "Snek Man" 1.3 2 1.1 32 "Kill the" "Dagger" 21 3
This creates a quest with the same base values but with the message "Kill the",
a dagger, a quest icon image, a spawn chance of 21%, and players have to be rank 3, (levels 21-30) to recieve it.
Alias: cqo
Requires: Server Admin
1. Integer > 0 (like 1)
!declinequest index
Declines a quest because you're too wimpy to accept it.
Alias: dq
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!editquest name (property value)+
Any number of properties can be set at once.
This is also how you set quest channels!
attack, hp, accy, spawn, weapon,
image, task, strg, rank, channeladd,
and channelremove
(ca works for channeladd and cr works for channelremove)
Example usage:
!editquest "snek man" hp 43 attack 4.2 task "Kill the monster"
!editquest slime channeladd #slime_fields
!editquest slime channelremove #slime_dungeon
Requires: Server Admin
1. Integer > 0 (like 1)
Shows the list of active quests you have pending.
Aliases: mq, quests
Requires: Player
Tells you how much time you have left until your daily quest limit resets, and how long until you can get a quest again.
Alias: qc
Requires: Player
1. Integer > 0 (like 1)
!questinfo index
Shows a simple stats page for the quest.
Alias: qi
Requires: Player
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!removequest (quest name)
Systematically exterminates all instances of the quest...
...Even those yet to be born
Aliases: rq, deletequest
Requires: Server Admin
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
Genocide in a command!
This command will delete all quests on your server.
Requires: Real Server Admin
1. Player (ping them or ID)
2. Integer > 0 (like 1)
3. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!sendquest @player (quest number) (optional: message)
Sends one of your quests to another player.
Requires: Player
1. Words or integer > 0
!serverquests (page or quest name)
Lists the quests active on your server.
If you would like to see the base stats of a quest do !serverquests (quest name)
Remember you can edit any of the quests on your server with !editquest
Alias: sq
Requires: Player
1. Integer (like 50)
!testquestchance (quest number)
Shows you the approximate chance you have to beat a quest, and the approximate stats it'll give.
It'll add in randomness to the chances/approximate stats by default.
You can decrease the randomness (and therefore improve accuracy) by spending teamcash to buy improved accuracy.
Alias: tqc
Requires: Player
1. Integer > 0 (like 1)
!acceptwager (wager number)
Accepts a wager!
Alias: aw
Requires: Player
1. Integer (like 50)
2. Integer (like 50)
!accuracytest (price) (damage)
Enter the price and damage of the weapon you want and it'll tell you what the accuracy would be without creating it.
Alias: at
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
2. Player (ping them or ID)
!battle player (optional other player)
Battle someone!
Note! You don't gain any exp or reward from these battles!
Please do not spam anyone with unwanted battles.
Alias: bt
Requires: Player
Makes you battle the current topdog.
Alias: bttd
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Integer (like 50)
!copyweapon (name)
Lets you copy a weapon from another server that you're in with the given name to your current server.
If more than one matching weapon is found, you will be asked to select the number of the weapon you want.
Alias: cws
Requires: Server Admin
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
3. Integer > 0 (like 1)
4. Percentage (like 42%)
5. True or False
6. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
7. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
8. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
Guides you through creating a weapon.
Alias: cw
Requires: Server Admin
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
3. Integer > 0 (like 1)
4. Percentage (like 42%)
5. True or False
6. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
7. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
8. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!createweaponold "weapon name" "hit message" damage accy
Creates a weapon for the server shop!
For extra customization you add the following:
(ranged) (icon) (image url)
!createweaponold "Laser" "FIRES THEIR LAZOR AT" 100 50
This creates a weapon named "Laser" with the hit message
"FIRES THEIR LAZOR AT", 100 damage and 50% accy
!createweapon old"Banana Gun" "splats" 12 10 True :banana:
This weapon has ranged set to true
as it fires projectiles,
a icon of '🍌', and an image of the weapon from the url.
Requires: Server Admin
1. Integer (like 50)
2. Integer (like 50)
!damagetest (price) (accuracy)
Enter the price and accuracy of the weapon you want and it'll tell you what the damage would be without creating it.
Alias: dt
Requires: Player
1. Integer > 0 (like 1)
!declinewager (wager number)
Declines a wager.
Alias: dw
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!editweapon name (property value)+
Any number of properties can be set at once.
message, icon, ranged, and image
Example usage:
!editweapon laser message "pews at" icon 🔫
!editweapon "a gun" image
Requires: Server Admin
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!equip (weapon name)
Equips a weapon from your weapon inventory.
Alias: eq
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
3. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
4. Float (like 1.2345)
5. Float (like 1.2345)
6. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!fuseweapons (weapon 1) (weapon 2) (new name) (sacrifice) (accuracy desired) (hit_message)
You will lose the two weapons you fuse, and come out with a new weapon with between 75% and 125% of the total damage of the weapons fused.
You also get a higher multiplier by sacrificing more teamcash, so between 80% and 130%, 85% and 135%, and up to a max of 90% and 140%.
The icon of the new weapon will be the default icon.
Alias: fw
Requires: Player
1. Integer > 0 (like 1)
!mywagers (page)
Lists your received wagers.
Aliases: vw, wagers
Requires: Player
1. Words or integer > 0
2. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!myweapons (page)/(weapon name) (optional: type)
Shows the contents of your weapon inventory.
If you have a weapon with a name like 1 or 15, and you want to view the specific weapon stats, write name
after the weapon name.
!myweapons 2
, !myweapons "no u"
!myweapons 2 name
Aliases: mw, weapons
Requires: Player
1. Integer (like 50)
2. Integer (like 50)
!pricetest (damage) (accuracy)
Enter the damage and accuracy of the weapon you want and it'll tell you what the price would be without creating it.
Alias: pt
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!removeweapon (weapon name)
Screw all the people that bought it 😄
Alias: deleteweapon
Requires: Server Admin
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
Screw over everyone on your server!
This command deletes all weapons on your server.
Requires: Real Server Admin
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
Unequips your current weapon
Alias: uq
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Float (like 1.2345)
!upgradeweapon (weapon name) (multiplier)
Allows you to attempt to upgrade your weapon!
Select the weapon name, and a multiplier you want to upgrade it by.
The weapon cannot be equipped if you want to upgrade it, you have to unequip it first.
The higher the multiplier, the lower the chance it's successful (multiplier maxes at 1.5x)!
Alias: uw
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
2. Integer > 0 (like 1)
!wagerbattle player amount
Money will not be taken from your account after you use this command.
If you cannot afford to pay when the wager is accepted you will be forced
to sell your weapons.
Aliases: wager, wb
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Integer (like 50)
!copyshield (name)
Lets you copy a shield from another server that you're in with the given name to your current server.
If more than one matching shield is found, you will be asked to select the number of the shield you want.
Alias: css
Requires: Server Admin
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Float (like 1.2345)
3. Percentage (like 42%)
4. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
5. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
Guides you through creating a shield.
Alias: cs
Requires: Server Admin
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Float (like 1.2345)
3. Percentage (like 42%)
4. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
5. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!createshieldold "shield name" defense (defend chance)
Creates a shield for the server shop!
For extra customization you add the following:
(icon) (image url)
Basic Shield:
!createshield "Steel Shield" 2 50
This creates a shield named "Steel Shield" with 2x damage reduction and 50% defend chance
Advanced Shield:
!createshield "Laser Wall" 5 25 :banana:
The first three properties work like before,
but it has a icon (for the shop) '🍌', and an image of the shield from the url.
Requires: Server Admin
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!editshield name (property value)+
Any number of properties can be set at once.
icon, and image
Example usage:
!editshield laser icon 🔫
!editshield "a gun" image icon 💣
Requires: Server Admin
1. Words or integer > 0
!myshields (page)/(shield name)
Shows the contents of your shield inventory.
Aliases: ms, shields
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!removeshield (shield name)
Screw all the people that bought it 😄
Alias: deleteshield
Requires: Server Admin
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
Screw over everyone on your server!
This command deletes all shields on your server.
Requires: Real Server Admin
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!shieldequip (shield name)
Equips a shield from your shield inventory.
Alias: seq
Requires: Player
1. Integer (like 50)
2. Integer (like 50)
!shieldpricetest (defense) (defend chance)
Tells you what the price would be for a shield with a certain defense and defend chance.
Alias: spt
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
Unequips your current shield.
Alias: uqs
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
or !globalrank @player
Find your or another player's global rank.
Alias: grank
Requires: Player
1. Integer > 0 (like 1)
!globalranks (page)
Global TheelUtil leaderboard
Aliases: globalrankings, globalleaderboard, gleaderboard
Requires: Player
1. Words or integer > 0
2. Integer > 0 (like 1)
!leaderboard (page)
!globalranks (page)
or for local ranks
!leaderboard local (page)
The global exp leaderboard of TheelUtil!
The leaderboard is usually updated every hour, but it may be longer.
Now with local.
Aliases: ranks, rankings
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
or for your global rank
!myrank global
Tells you where you are on the !leaderboard.
Alias: rank
Requires: Player
1. Words or integer > 0
2. Integer > 0 (like 1)
!questleaderboard (page)
or for local ranks
!questleaderboard local (page)
The global quest leaderboard of TheelUtil!
The leaderboard is usually updated every hour, but it may be longer.
Now with local.
Aliases: ranks, rankings
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
2. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!rank @player
or for the global rank
!rank @player global
Tells you where a player is on the !leaderboard.
Note: !rank is an alias for !myrank
Requires: Player
1. Words or integer > 0
2. Integer > 0 (like 1)
!streakleaderboard (page)
or for local ranks
!streakleaderboard local (page)
The global streak leaderboard of TheelUtil!
The leaderboard is usually updated every hour, but it may be longer.
Now with local.
Aliases: ranks, rankings
Requires: Player
1. Words or integer > 0
2. Integer > 0 (like 1)
!topdogleaderboard (page)
or for local ranks
!topdogleaderboard local (page)
The global TopDog leaderboard of TheelUtil!
The leaderboard is usually updated every hour, but it may be longer.
Now with local.
Aliases: ranks, rankings
Requires: Player
1. Integer > 0 (like 1)
!acceptquestinteractive (optional: quest index)
For information on how to do interactive battles, use !ii
Alias: aqi
Requires: Player
Alias: ci
Requires: Player
Shows you information about how interactive battles work.
Alias: ii
Requires: Player
Files your taxes for you so the Duevernment doesn't take it.
The higher your job tier is, the more you pay in taxes.
Alias: taxes
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!joblist (optional: job name/"joinable")
Shows a list of all jobs and your current job(s) if job name isn't specified.
If the argument is "joinable", it'll show the jobs you are able to join, broken at teacher and head teacher.
If you write a job name, it gives you more detailed information on the job.
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
This will tell you the rewards you'd get for toiling with all your jobs.
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!joinjob (job name)
Lets you join a job (choices viewed with !joblist).
Each day, you need to file taxes with !filetaxes
If you don't file your taxes for 48 hours, the Duevernment will fine you 2 TUT every second.
To start working, use !toil.
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
Ranks up your education level so you can get better jobs.
You will have only half the chance to get quests for 24 hours times the level you're trying to level to.
Having teacher as your job means you get 3 education every 2 learning periods, instead of 2 education over 2 learning periods.
Having head teacher in addition to teacher gives you 4 education every 2 learning periods.
Requires: Player
Tells you how much time you have left to learn.
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!leavejobs (optional: job name)
Leaves your job(s).
Try to only use it if you can't remember to pay taxes, as jobs are a big benefit.
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!toil (currency/stat for rewards)
Basically a work command, but named different so it doesn't interfere with other bots.
Higher job level means more rewards from toiling.
Currency or Stat can be:
TUT (normal money)
TUP (prestige coins)
Atk (attack stat)
Accy (accuracy stat)
Strg (strength stat)
Level (job level)
Currency defaults to TUT if not specified.
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
2. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!toilraid (player) (optional: currency)
Use this to attempt to take another player's unclaimed toil rewards.
Currency defaults to TUT, however it can also be Strg, Atk, Accy, or TUP.
Alias: tr
Requires: Player
1. Integer (like 50)
2. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!allteams (page) (sort)
Shows all the current teams and a bit of info on them.
Sort lets you choose whether to order teams by "level", "exp", "topdog", or number of "members".
Use "level", "exp", "topdog", or "members", anything else will result in a default of number of members.
Ordering by topdog gives back the teams in order of highest topdog count to lowest, not which team is currently topdog.
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
2. Integer (like 50)
!createteam (name) (optional: minimum level)
Creates a team for you.
Every team needs a home server for bot events and such, so if your team's server is deleted, please set another server as the home server.
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!deleteteam (cnf)
Deletes your team permanently. You will be permanently unable to make another team.
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
!demote (user)
Demotes a user by one rank in your team.
You must be a team owner to use this.
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!editteam name (property)+
Any number of properties can be set at once.
level, description, homeserver
More coming soon! Also, level is the minimum level to join the team, not the actual team level 😉
Homeserver MUST be the new home server's ID, or you can enter "here" to set the homeserver to where the command is used.
Example usage:
!editteam "Team Champions" description "For the best of the best!"
!editteam "Team Ban" level 69
!editteam "Team Neon" homeserver 398778888840544256
You can only edit a team if you're the owner!
Requires: Player
Creates an invite to your team's home server so you can play with your teammates.
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!jointeam <team name>
A list of teams can be found with !allteams <page number>
Requires: Player
Makes you leave your current team.
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
!promote (user)
Promotes a user by one rank in your team.
You must be a team owner to use this.
Requires: Player
1. Integer > 0 (like 1)
2. Integer (like 50)
!teambuy (item number) (number of items)
Gives you stats based on the item number and the number of items bought, you can view the item details with !teamshop
The only items that the number of items can be greater than 1 on are 5, 6 and 7, but it defaults to one item bought for everything.
Alias: tb
Requires: Player
Shows you how much team money you have!
Alias: tc
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!teaminfo (optional: team name)
Shows you some info on your team if you don't include a team name.
If you do include a tea name, it shows info on the named team.
Requires: Player
1. Words or integer > 0
!teamshop (page/item name)
Use a number for page, and the name of the item in quotes if you want an item.
Remember, on mobile, you need to hold down the double quotes and select the vertical double quotes (not curvy ones) to encase it in proper quotes for Due.
At the moment, You have to write the exact name of the item you want. The name is shown in the page, and it is not caps-sensitive.
The description for the first item, double max daily quests, is broken, and we are working on a fix at the moment.
Use !teambuy to buy stuff.
Requires: Player
1. Words or integer > 0
Shows all the current active raids.
To see more detailed info, do !allraids (raid name)
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!raidbattle (raid name)
Battle a raid!
Please enter the full name you see on the raid list, including the parentheses.
Alias: rbt
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
Resets all your stats & any customization, and grants you prestige coins to help you level up faster.
You will lose some education points (between 1 and 3) when you prestige.
This cannot be reversed! Use !prestigecheck if you want to see how many coins you'll get without actually prestiging.
Each prestige coin gives a small bonus to the max amount of stats gained from a quest, and the quest reward.
Every 100 prestige coins gives you 1 extra teamcash per quest if you're in a team, starting at 50 prestige coins.
You keep all your teamcash, purchases made with teamcash, quests beaten, and wagers won.
Requires: Player
1. Integer > 0 (like 1)
2. Integer (like 50)
!prestigebuy (item #) (# of items)
Gives you stats based on the item number and # of items bought, you can view the item details with !prestigeshop
Alias: pb
Requires: Player
Tells you how many prestige coins you can gain by using !prestige.
Alias: pc
Requires: Player
Tells you how many prestige coins you currently have and how much the quest stat bonus you recieve from them is.
Alias: ps
Requires: Player
1. Words or integer > 0
!prestigeshop (page/item name)
Use a number for page, and the name of the item in quotes if you want an item.
Remember, on mobile, you need to hold down the double quotes and select the vertical double quotes (not curvy ones) to encase it in proper quotes for Due.
At the moment, You have to write the exact name of the item you want. The name is shown in the page, and it is not caps-sensitive.
Use !prestigebuy to buy stuff.
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!argusage (command to view args for)
Tells you how to use a command.
Aliases: arg, args
Requires: Discord User
Choose what TheelUtil commands you want to ban in a channel.
E.g. !blacklist acceptquest battleme sell
Normal users will only be able to use commands not in the blacklist.
The blacklist does not effect server admins.
To reset the blacklist run the command with no arguments.
The blacklist is not independent from the whitelist.
If you use the blacklist command on a channel with a pre-existing blacklist, the pre-existing blacklist will be replaced with the new one.
Using !blacklist teaminfo help
on a channel with the blacklist myinfo
would disable only teaminfo and help, and myinfo would now be allowed.
Note: Blacklisting a command like !info will also blacklist !myinfo
(since !info is mapped to !myinfo)
Requires: Server Admin
General information about TheelUtil.
Requires: Discord User
1. Integer > 0 (like 1)
2. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
3. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!exchange (amount) (currency) (optional: from TUT, TTC, or TUP)
Exchange your TUT (TheelUtil Tokens), TTC (TheelUtil TeamCash), and/or TUP (TheelUtil Prestige for other bot currencies!
For more information on the user side go to:
For more information on transaction information, go to
Note: Exchanges can take up to 5 minutes to process!
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!help (command name or category)
Alias: helpme
Requires: Discord User
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!language (language)
Lets you set the language you want the bot to send text in.
Current options are:
1. English (en)
2. Spanish (es)
3. Russian (ru)
4. German (de)
5. Portuguese (pt)
6. Dutch (nl)
7. Japanese (ja)
8. Hebrew (he)
9. French (fr)
10. Tagalog (tl)
11. Filipino (fil)
For the language, input the two-letter/three-letter code of the language you want.
None of the non-English translations are perfect, so you'll have to make do with what you have.
The translations are being improved as often as possible, but may not work on some commands due to the translations not being entered yet.
Alias: lan
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
Makes TheelUtil leave your server cleanly.
This will delete all quests & weapons created
on your server.
This command can only be run by real server admins
(you must have manage server permissions).
Requires: Real Server Admin
Optin to TheelUtil.
(This applies to all servers with TheelUtil)
Requires: Discord User
Optin to TheelUtil on a server.
Requires: Discord User
Optout of TheelUtil.
When you opt out:
You don't get quests or exp.
Other players can't use you in commands.
You lose access to all "game" commands.
Server admins (that opt out) still have access to admin commands.
(This applies to all servers with TheelUtil)
Requires: Discord User
Optout of TheelUtil on the server you run the command.
This has the same effect as !optout but is local.
Requires: Discord User
Shows you information on permission mapping.
Alias: perm
Requires: Discord User
Tells you what the prefix is on a server.
Requires: Discord User
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!requestsupport (cnf)
This sends an invite to a designated support person who will come and help you if they are online.
If your server requires a verified role, please give it to them without them going through the verification process, as they will likely leave when they are done.
Requires: Player
Shows the number of servers TheelUtil is chilling on.
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
Sets the prefix for commands on your server.
The default is '!'
Alias: setprefix
Requires: Server Admin
Creates some basic starter quests and weapons for server members.
Requires: Server Admin
Creates any discord roles TheelUtil needs. These will have been made when
TheelUtil joined your server but if you deleted any & need them you'll
want to run this command.
Requires: Real Server Admin
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
Mutes TheelUtil in the channel the command is used in.
By default the !shutup
will stop alerts (level ups, ect)
using !shutup all
will make TheelUtil ignore all commands
from non-admins.
To mute TheelUtil alerts in every channel in your server, do !shutup everywhere
To mute TheelUtil alerts and commands for non-admins in every channel in your server, do !shutup everywhere all
TheelUtil won't mute channels that you or TheelUtil can't see.
Requires: Server Admin
TheelUtil's stats since the dawn of time!
Requires: Discord User
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!unshutup (optional: "everywhere")
Reverts !shutup
or !shutup all
(allowing TheelUtil to give alerts and be used again).
If you do !unshutup everywhere
, the bot will send alerts again in every channel that you can see.
Requires: Server Admin
Choose what TheelUtil commands you want to allow in a channel.
E.g. !whitelist help battle shop myinfo info
Normal users will not be able to use any other commands than the ones you
The whitelist does not effect server admins.
To reset the whitelist run the command with no arguments.
If you use the whitelist command on a channel with a pre-existing whitelist, the pre-existing whitelist will be replaced with the new one.
Using !whitelist teaminfo help
on a channel with the whitelist myinfo
would allow only teaminfo and help, and myinfo would no longer be allowed.
Note: Whitelisting a command like !info will also whitelist !myinfo
(since !info is mapped to !myinfo)
Requires: Server Admin
A cool command to display one of 10 blob emotes.
Requires: Player
1. Integer (like 50)
2. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!count (optional: number) (optional: message for owner)
Lets you add to the TheelUtil count! You can only do so 25 times per day.
Each time you successfully count, you will gain a bonus for atk, strg, and accy based on how many times you've counted correctly.
You can view the number that you should count with the basic !count
If you want, you can have the bot DM the owner with a message, such as "Great job updating the bot!", or "We love your new updates!"
Alias: c
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!eyes modifiers
snek - Snek eyes (slits)
ogre - Ogre colours
evil - Red eyes
gay - Pink stuff
high - Large pupils + red eyes
emoji - emoji size + no border
small - Small size (larger than emoji)
left - Eyes look left
right - Eyes look right
top - Eyes look to the top
bottom - Eyes look to the bottom
derp - Random pupil positions
bottom left - Eyes look bottom left
bottom right - Eyes look bottom right
top right - Eyes look top right
top left - Eyes look top left
no modifiers - Procedurally generated eyes!!!111
This is broken at the moment.
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
2. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!giveemoji player emoji
Give a friend an emoji.
Why? Who knows.
I'm sure you can have loads of game with the ♋ emoji though!
Also see !givepotato
Alias: emoji
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
!givepotato player
Who doesn't like potatoes?
Alias: potato
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
Creates a glitter text gif!
(Glitter text from
This is broken at the moment.
Aliases: gt, glittertext
Requires: Player
A cool command to display one of two kek emotes.
Requires: Player
Tracks the ongoing TheelUtil pandemic.
Requires: Player
View the "top dog" and their team stats.
Requires: Player
Toggles whether you want to be notified if your topdog award is stolen.
Alias: tdn
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
!topdogstats (optional: player)
Shows you various topdog data on someone in an embed.
Alias: tds
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
!topdogtime (optional: player)
Tells you how long you/they have had topdog if you currently have it.
It also says how long you/they have had it since when this feature was implemented (March 16th, 2019).
Alias: mtdt
Requires: Player
1. Integer (like 50)
!buydummy (number of dummies to buy)
Lets you buy dummies for 50k TUT each for use with !usedummy.
View details on the type of dummies you can use in !help usedummy.
Alias: bd
Requires: Player
Shows you how many dummies you have.
Alias: dummies
Requires: Player
1. Player (ping them or ID)
2. Integer (like 50)
3. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!senddummy (player) (dummy amount) (optional: message)
Sends some dummies to someone else.
The maximum amount someone can recieve is their level divided by 10. This means if their level is below 10, they can't recieve any.
Alias: sd
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!usedummy (stat to train)
Choose to train either your attack (atk), strength (strg), accuracy (accy), defense (def), HP, limit, or prestige bonus (prestige) stat.
Dummies can be used as training dummies every 15 minutes in order to increase stats, and can be earned through quests or bought with !buydummy.
Atk, strg, and accy dummies increase your stats by a percentage of your current stats.
HP, limit, and defense increase relatively linearly.
Prestige bonus increases entirely linearly.
Alias: ud
Requires: Player
1. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!afk (message)
Sets your afk to display a message when you're pinged.
Adding AFK to your name has to be done manually for now.
This is temporairily disabled.
Requires: Player
Gives you a link to donate to the bot and help keep it alive!
Requires: Player
Provides the invite link to the bot, the support server, and some voting sites!
Requires: Player
A check command for the permissions system.
Alias: perms
Requires: Discord User
Runs a few commands to test time taken to do stuff, and outputs results in a nice pretty embed.
Requires: Player
1. Integer (like 50)
2. Integer (like 50)
3. Letters/words (like 'weapon')
!settimer (length) (interval) (reminder)
Length and reminder interval in seconds, and use reminder in quotes unless it's one word.
The interval has to be a factor of the timer, otherwise the bot will overrun the timer.
Requires: Player
Turns tips on/off.
Requires: Player
Shows info about the most recent updates.
Requires: Player
This gives you the same reward as daily!
You can use this command once every 12 hours, instead of 24 hours.
Requires: Player
Does this increase the chance of a quest spawn?!
Who knows?
Requires: Player
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All reviews (37)
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Bot Stats
Used in 1,547 servers
4 invites this week
4,407 invites total
Prefix: t! (or mention)
Submitted: 12/26/2019
Approved: 12/26/2019
Edited: 06/17/2021