
Brings search functionalities to Discord thanks to the Google Search API.

General Utility



Bot that brings search functionalities to Discord thanks to the Google Search API.

Key Features

  • Global search.
  • Site search through the use of keywords.
  • Excludes NSFW results unless query is run of NSFW channels.



  1. Install node.js
  2. Run the following command:
npm i


The project requires a settings.ts file to be created. A settings.example.ts file exists with all the fields required. In order to generate a Discord authToken, follow this tutorial up to step 3.


  1. Set up up your settings.ts (more information in the configuration section)
  2. Run npm start on a terminal to start the server.
  3. If not added already, add you bot to your server following the guide posted in the configuration section up to step 4.


Syntax Explanation Example
!qb about Displays information about the bot.
!qb help<br/>!qb ? Displays the bot's help.
!qb list<br/>!qb ls Displays all available keywords.
!qb set {keyword} {siteUrl} Sets a site keyword. !qb set yt
!qb unset {keyword} Unsets a site keyword. !qb unset yt
!qb search {query}<br/>!qb s {query} Searches for the query on Google. !qb search discord bots
!{keyword} {query} Searches for the query on the site registered for the passed keyword. !yt GMM


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365 invites total

Prefix: !qb

Submitted: 07/23/2019

Approved: 07/23/2019

Edited: 01/07/2020

Tip: Do you have feedback for us? Let us know on our Discord server!