
StoneBot is a bot for Discord inspired in Minecraft game! Skin rendering, server requests, image manipulation and more!

General GamesFun


StoneBot - Minecraft Discord Bot

StoneBot is a bot for Discord inspired in Minecraft game! Skin rendering, server requests, image manipulation, economy system, multilanguage and more!

How to use StoneBot?

It's simple, just type /mc help in Discord server chat and the bot shows the help!


Language Code Progress Translator(s)
English (USA) en-us Done @henrythedeveloper
English (PIRATE) en-pt Done @henrythedeveloper
Portuguese (Portugal) pt-pt Done @henrythedeveloper
Portuguese (Brazil) pt-br Done @henrythedeveloper
Portuguese Funk (BR) pt-funk Done @henrythedeveloper
Spanish (Spain) es-es Done @Drylotrans

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423 invites total

Prefix: /mc

Submitted: 12/15/2018

Approved: 12/15/2018

Edited: 12/22/2018

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