
Mechas, Pets, Marriage, Spaceships, ... What do you want more?

General EconomyFunGamesLevelsRoleplay

Gaming Gal is made for gamers by gamers and focuses on one goal

  • to provide you with an intense rpg experience while playing with your friends!

You will be able to build up a town, work your way towards getting a mecha, explore space and even challenge yourself with others by doing challenge modes and raids. You will also be able to collect pets, fight in the league against other players and even challenge mighty people you may know in the arena!

Are you ready for endless hours of fun (and grinding)?

Lets go!

Use $$create to create your profile and a god will tell you what to do


Social interaction required!

Need more help?

Check out the $$tutorial to get help about what to do or visit the support server and ask others!

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All reviews (1)

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1 invite this week

517 invites total

Prefix: @Gaming Gal

Submitted: 01/13/2020

Approved: 03/18/2020

Edited: 03/29/2023

Tip: Do you have feedback for us? Let us know on our Discord server!