
A bot completely made for fun! With Fun, Moderation and Memes + Extras!

General FunMemesModeration


There are a total of 190 commands. Showing them all here would too much. So… They can all be viewed here in a very clean view! or a easy way is doing s!help in your server. Also all the commands are case insensitive.

Key features

  1. My invite only includes the permissions the bot really needs, please don't give it any extra perms! and especially not admin.
  • Case insensitive everything, commands and prefix so 100% mobile friendly.
  • Every command is tested and selfmade so that it works is guaranteed. If a command doesn't, please report it and you can slap me.
  • Abuse resistant, every command has the name of the author in it. And all commands have a cooldown of 5+ secs.
  • Improves everyday! just see s!changelog.
  • Many useless things but also things you do not often see in a bot.
  • Friendly embeds, i love to put more info in less space but still let it look good. So you won't expect big spammy embed from this bot.


This bot gets better every day! Just check the s!changelog in there should be all the changes that happen to the bot. You can also suggest anything with: s!suggest! Anything that gets suggested has a very high chance to be added.


Please report any bug or mistake in grammar with the command: s!report! and it will be 100% fixed in max a day!


If you need any help with anything such as inviting, giving perms, join my support server via the button above or via the s!support command.

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Used in 677 servers

0 invites this week

317 invites total

Prefix: s! & S! & sparkly & Sparkly

Submitted: 05/26/2019

Approved: 05/26/2019

Edited: 11/09/2021

Tip: Do you have feedback for us? Let us know on our Discord server!