
A counting bot that counts members, users, bots, roles, channels, online/offline members and YouTube statistics with voice channel names ― server stats. 300,000+ servers!

General SocialUtility

Fancy Counting

Cosmetic counters, aesthetically pleasing for both you and your server members. The counters automatically update so you can focus on the management of your server.

Easy Setup

Only one command is needed for the setup of this bot, m!setup. This command also reverts all the settings to the default values when you want to quickly reset them.


Want to turn a counter off? Want to change the name of a counter? Feel free to do so! All of the commands can be viewed from the help menu, with the command m!help.

Counters Example

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All reviews (11)

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Used in 308,135 servers

2 invites this week

7,183 invites total

Prefix: m! or @mention

Submitted: 06/13/2019

Approved: 06/13/2019

Edited: 07/17/2020

Tip: Sorting your searches by relevance give you more relevant results compared to other sorting options.