
Crafty focuses on everything Minecraft such as: getting username history, finding player skins, view information about Java and Bedrock edition servers, trivia, Minecraft account linking, automatic posting of Minecraft news, snapshots and releases, Hypixel WynnCraft & HiveMC player info and more!

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Crafty bot information

Crafty is a feature rich Minecraft Discord bot built to provide quality information and fun. Using Crafty you can:

  • View player's usernames, UUID's. skins and username history.
  • View information about any Minecraft Java and Bedrock edition server.
  • Render player's skins it different ways.
  • Keep up to date with the latest Minecraft news and releases using automatic posting features.
  • Get information about Hypixel, HiveMC and WynnCraft players.
  • Play Minecraft trivia with other people.
  • Customize the prefix and blacklist commands.
  • Link a Minecraft username to your Discord account.
  • Link a Minecraft server to your Discord server.
  • Check Minecraft's server statuses.

Website | Invite Link | Support Server


Bellow is a list of all usable commands, to get more information about Crafty's commands you can use the /help command when you have invited Crafty to a Discord server.


The Informational category contains commands that provide information, statistics and news.

colorcodes, mcseen, news, checkname, latest, namehistory, profile, server, serverpe, status, uuid, version


The Servers category contains commands for various Minecraft server such as Hypixel, WynnCraft and HiveMC.

hive, boosters, hypixelstats, hypixel, hypixelwds, wynncraft


The Images category contains commands that provide images for Minecraft skins, achievements and colours.

achievement, rcolour, render, avatar, skin, skull


The Fun category contains commands that provide entertainment, trivia and mini games.

tntsweeper, fact, kill, pvp, quiz, rps


The Miscellaneous category contains commands that provide information about Crafty and how to use Crafty.

aliases, credits, feedback, help, invite, ping, stats, tutorial, vote, whatsnew


The Configurable category contains commands that provide a level customization for Crafty, options for various automated features and linking for Minecraft usernames and servers.

account, autopost, blacklist, configuration, prefix, setserver

© 2019 Crafty Bot. All rights reserved.

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Used in 58,993 servers

2 invites this week

5,092 invites total

Prefix: / or @Crafty (Customizable)

Submitted: 07/02/2018

Approved: 07/02/2018

Edited: 05/19/2019

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