
You are missing just the right soundtrack when you are playing games with friends on discord? Add REYFM to your discord and enjoy the peak of hot music! With over 15 unique music channels we are sure you'll find the one for you!

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You and your friends often play games together on discord and you are missing just the right soundtrack to do so? Add the official REYFM Bot to your server and enjoy hours of fresh music only!

By listening to the REYFM Bot you will gain XP which let you climb levels. You can see your current progress by seeing your REYFM Profile (-profile).

You can always change the bot's prefix by using -setprefix <prefix>. We also offer plenty of other possibilities to customize your REYFM Bot. Simply run -setup and we will guide you through all possibilities!

Our goal is to offer the best music and experience with the bot for you. Thanks for your support!

Here is a short overview over our commands:

  • -play <#channel> - Plays a channel.
  • -stop - Stop's the playback.
  • -volume <0-150> - Changes the volume of the playback.
  • -profile - Shows your REYFM-Profile.
  • -leaderboard - Shows the current leaderboard.

More commands available by running -help!

Want to share REYFM along with other bots? Click here to add it to a list!

All reviews (1)

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Used in 7,211 servers

0 invites this week

1,991 invites total

Prefix: - or custom

Submitted: 02/28/2020

Approved: 03/22/2020

Edited: 04/06/2021

Tip: Do you have feedback for us? Let us know on our Discord server!