
SPRINTO HELP Write with your friends! Run a sprint and compete with your writing group! Focus on your writing, share word counts, write the most you can! Sprinto is very easy to use, has been trained to understand most reasonable (and unreasonable) input, and gives helpful responses at all stages of a sprint. Includes wpm in the final scoreboard. Sprinto loves big writing groups, nanowrimo & camp nano, fanfic writers, zines, and people just trying to be productive.

General FunSocialUtility


/sprint Start a sprint, open for anyone to join! The default is 15 minutes with an additional 1 minute to join.

/sprint at :15 for 20 Start a 20 minute sprint at quarter past the hour.

/join 0 (Your starting word count). Join the active sprint. You must join your own sprint too. You can replace 0 with your starting word count.

/time How long is remaining?

When time's up

/wc 500 (Your final word count). It's on the honor system.

Full command list & setup ideas:

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Prefix: Unknown

Submitted: 03/18/2019

Approved: 03/18/2019

Edited: 09/08/2023

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