
It is a bot with commands from utilities, role (hug, kiss...) and extra themes that you can find out for yourself.

General AnimeNSFWRoleplay

🐱Karu is a bot at the moment focused on roleplay.

☕I would appreciate your support to continue improving and implementing many more features for you. A simple vote for you, is a great help and incentive for me.

Do you want to try Karu?

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  • All my commands work with: //
  • Optional [] / Required <>
  • You can use //h command to get more info about each command.
  • List of commands v0.7.12

Command types:


Command Description Aliases Variables
8ball You want me to guess your future? English only lucky, 8b <Message>
bola8 ¿Quieres que adivine tu futuro? Only spanish b8 <Message>
say You can send a message through me send <Message>
embed Similar to say, but Embed type embedsay, esay <Message>


Command Description Aliases Variables
cat Show pictures of kittens c, meow, kitty, kittens, gatos None
avatar Shows the avatar of you or some user av [mention]
captcha Captcha bot. norobot Text
delete Delete this dthis None
memehub PH meme mhub Text1, Text2
thinking Random emoji 🤔 thinkemoji None
transformice Displays images to use as a profile picture tf, tpic None
wasted Bruh, no need to explain None None
magik Distort images. (png, jpeg, NO GIF) None Image/url/mention
dog Shows pictures of puppies dg, woof, inu, perros, perro None
neko It shows pictures of girls with little ears fgirl,cgirl None
achievement Achievement unlock minecraft, mine,achieve `<Text1


Command Description Aliases Variables
blush Are you blushing about something or someone? brr,bl None
cry Don't feel sad, if you are, use this command to express it. crying,llorar,sad None
dab Make a dab None None
eat Did they make you want to eat? nom None
dance You ever just start dancing like that because you did? None None
doubt Did someone say something and you don't know what they said or anys ? None
disgust Generate action: 'be upset' upset None
laugh React with a laugh None None


Command Description Aliases Variables
bite Bite someone None <@user> [@user2]...
hug Give hugs to one or more people None <@user> [@user2]...
kill kills one or more people with this command None <@user> [@user2]...
kiss Kiss one or more people None <@user> [@user2]...
lick Lick one or more people None <@user> [@user2]...
pat Caress one or more people None <@user> [@user2]...
slap Slap one or more people None <@user> [@user2]...
bang Bullets to one or more people None <@user> [@user2]...
insult insults one or more users None <@user> [@user2]...
cuddle To cuddle with someone None <@user> [@user2]...


Command Description Aliases Variables
help Displays a help menu h, ayuda <name/alias> [Command name]
invite Invite the bot with the link that will show you inv,share,invitar None
ping Displays the latency of the bot with the Discord API and the time it takes to send the message from the karu server p,pong None
sinfo View current server information sinfo, si,server None
uinfo View your information inside the server or a user uinfo,ui [@user]
covid Displays information regarding covid-19 statistics cov,corona,coronavirus [city/list/global]
infoinv Review information from a Discord invitation ii None


Command Description Aliases Variables
boobs Send images of boobs boob None
egasm Generates "gasm" emojis emojigasm,gasm None
fuck Fucks one or more people at a time bang <@user> [@user2]...
spank Spank whoever you want. None <@user> [@user2]...
hentai Show sexual images and gifs from the world of anime hen <rc/list>
rule34 It shows content "rule 34" //r34 <rc/list/search>

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All reviews (7)

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Used in 69,684 servers

51 invites this week

23,520 invites total

Prefix: k-

Submitted: 12/06/2018

Approved: 12/06/2018

Edited: 07/05/2024

Tip: Do you have feedback for us? Let us know on our Discord server!