
Lite-bot is a simple and customizable bot for server moderation with features like kick, ban, purge, and blocking words. Nearly everything can be disabled or customized.

General Moderation

Lite-bot is a simple and customizable bot for server moderation with features like marking a message as a spoiler and blocking terms. Nearly everything can be disabled or customized so you only have to worry about the features you actually want. More features are always the way.



  • Custom prefix
  • Join/Leave messages
  • Kick/ban users
  • Purge messages
  • Block custom word list
  • Mark messages as spoiler


  • Lists available commands
  • Can display extra information about commands !help kick

Join Message

  • Sends a message when a user joins the Server
  • Can be enabled/disabled with !enable joinmessage and !disable joinmessage
  • Can be configured with !joinmessage #General and !joinmessage #General Welcome {user}

Leave Message

  • Sends a message when a user leaves the Server
  • Can be enabled/disabled with !enable leavemessage and !disable leavemessage
  • Can be configured with !leavemessage #General and !leavemessage #General Goodbye {user}


  • Kicks the mentioned user
  • !kick @user#0000


  • Bans the mentioned user
  • !ban @user#0000


  • Deletes the specified number (1 to 99) of messages
  • !purge 50


  • Used to enable or disable a command
  • !enable kick or !disable kick


  • Used to set a custom prefix
  • !prefix +


  • Used to block a specified term
  • Admins are exempt from message filtering
  • !block


  • Used to mark messages as spoilers
  • lite-bot will delete and resend the message as a spoiler
  • !spoiler or !spoiler

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Prefix: !

Submitted: 04/11/2020

Approved: 06/11/2020

Edited: 09/07/2021

Tip: Be careful what permissions you give bots. Only give them the permissions they need.