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Alpha Bot

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Alpha bot is the world's most popular Discord bot for requesting charts, set price alerts, and more. Using Alpha is as simple as typing a short command into any Discord channel Alpha has access to.

📈 Charts

Easy access to TradingView charts. Type c help to learn more.

🔔 Alerts

Setup price alerts for select crypto exchanges. Type alert help to learn more.

💸 Prices

Current cryptocurrency prices for thousands of tickers. Type p help to learn more.

📖 Orderbook visualizations

Orderbook snapshot charts of crypto market pairs. Type d help to learn more.

💳 24-hour rolling volume

Request 24-hour rolling volume for virtually any crypto market pair. Type v help to learn more.

:tools: Cryptocurrency coin details

Detailed coin information from CoinGecko. Type mcap help to learn more.

💴 Cryptocurrency conversions

An easy way to convert between different currencies or units. Type convert help to learn more.

🔥 Heat maps

Check various heat maps from Bitgur. Type hmap help to learn more.

📌 Command presets

Create personal presets for easy access to things you use most. Type preset help to learn more.

🔮 Assistant

Pull up Wikipedia articles, calculate math problems and get answers to many other question. Start a message with alpha and continue with your question.

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Prefix: alpha

Submitted: 04/23/2019

Approved: 04/23/2019

Edited: 12/28/2020

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