Pepe brings up the VoiceManagement of your guild to a new level. He can create voice channels for members and help to moderate them.
General ModerationSocial
Custom Voicechats
Pepe is here to help you managing custom voices on your Discord guild! Let your community set up their own voice channels without granting them more permissions, just let Pepe do the work.
Pepe has the following features:
- Custom voice category
- Channel owner can kick other channel members
- Channel owner can make the channel invite-only
- Channellimits can be changed to any value between 2 and 16
- Channel owner can set a special channel name
- Bad words can be added to the channel name filter 🙂
- When the channel owner leaves the voice channel, the person who joined after him becomes the owner
- The voice channel will be deleted if the voice channel is empty
Command | Sub-Command | Description |
p! size |
Change the size of your channel to a vaule between 2 and 16 | |
p! name |
Change the name of your channel | |
p! open |
Open your voice to the public | |
p! close |
Close your voice and make it invite-only | |
p! kick |
Kick a member out of your voice | |
p! invite |
Invite a member to your closed voice channel | |
p! setup |
This will setup a new category whith all needed channel please don't touch it *MANAGE_GUILD permission is needed to do this |
p! prefix |
You can change Pepes prefix *MANAGE_GUILD permission is needed to do this |
p! voice |
List all sub-commands *KICK_MEMBERS permission is needed to do this and its sub-commands |
p! voice |
createchannelname | Define a name for your createchannel |
p! voice |
addrole | Add a role, which will have full access to all private channel (Cannot be kicked out of channel) |
p! voice |
removerole | Remove the roles, so it will not longer have full acces to all private channel |
p! voice |
addblacklist | Add a role, which will no longer have access to the voice system (Cannot join any custom voice channel) |
p! voice |
removeblacklist | Remove a role, which will not longer have access to the voice system |
p! voice |
clear | In case of any Errors or when the Discord Server was crashed or the Bot, you can reset the voices or just delete all voices |
p! voice |
add | Add words to the channel name filter system |
p! voice |
remove | Remove words from the channel name filter system |
p! voice |
search | Search for words in the channel name filter system |
p! voice |
list | List all channel filters and roles which have acces to private channel |
p! voice |
info | Shows information for a custom channel |
p! voice |
score | Shows up a score for connected members with total ammount of kicks, use score all to see the score of all members |
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