Minerea♪ is a completely free Discord music bot with many supported sites
General Music
- Completely free
- Smooth playback
- 99.9% Uptime
- Without any ads messages
Use !help to get all available commands
- !play — Searching song with the given name or url.
- !skip — Skip current song.
- !stop — Leave from your channel and clean queue.
- !repeat — Repeat music feature.
- !shuffle — Shuffle songs in queue.
- !np — Showing song the bot is playing.
- !queue — Shows current queue.
- !pause — Pauses the current song.
- !radio — Endless auto-generated radio based on selected genre.
Supported sites
- Vkontakte
- Twitch
- Spotify
- Soundcloud
- Yandex.Music
- Yandex.Radio
- Bandcamp
- HTTP Links
- And many others
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