
I'm Makubot! I know a lot of image commands, all supplied by the community; go ahead and test me! nb.angry, nb.nao, nb.f, try some out!

General AnimeFunMemes

I have hundreds of community-driven image commands, and you can add more!

If you can think of an emotion, or a character, or a TV show, I probably have a command for it. Try mb.angry, mb.nao, or mb.f!

If I don't have that command, you can add an image to it by using mb.addimage! Then my owner will approve the image, and it'll get added to my collection!

I'm not just another image bot; I can process lots of image/video types, I'll try to show you only images relevant to you, and I'm super speedy! Check me out!

  • mb.addimage: Requests an image be added.

  • mb.mycommands: Shows you all commands you've started!

  • mb.myimagecount: Shows you how many images you've added!

  • mb.bigten: Lists the ten biggest image commands!

  • mb.listreactions: Lists all my reactions

  • mb.randomimage: Sends a totally random image!

There's way more commands; use to see them all!

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1 invite this week

498 invites total

Prefix: mb.

Submitted: 04/28/2020

Resubmitted: 08/30/2020

Approved: 09/05/2020

Edited: 08/30/2020

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