This bot has not been approved. It may not comply with our requirements, so be careful inviting it.


Automatically bans or warns about people who are known for advertising, spamming, raiding or impersonating

General ModerationUtility

b;about = Shows info about the bot. Usage: b;about.
b;help = Shows a list of commands or help with a specific command. Usage: b;help <command>.
b;userinfo = Gets info on a user. Usage: b;userinfo <mention or user id>.
b;invite = Returns the bot's invite URL. Usage: b;invite.
b;report = Reports a user to be banned in the GlobalBans system. Usage: b;report <mention> <reason + proof>, User requires kick permission.
b;whitelist = Whitelists a user banned in the GlobalBans system to join this server. Usage: b;whitelist <user id>, User requires kick permission.
b;setnotifychannel = Sets the channel that GlobalBans will use to send notifications to. Usage: b;setnotifychannel, Run this in the channel you want to set to.
b;togglewarnonly = Toggles wether the bot should ban or only send notification. Usage: b;togglewarnonly, User requires manage channels permission.
b;togglebandetect = Toggles the bot to send a message when you ban someone. Usage: b;togglebandetect, User requires manage channels permission.

All reviews (5)

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0 invites this week

1,725 invites total

Prefix: b;

Submitted: 07/30/2018

Approved: 07/30/2018

Edited: 07/30/2018

Tip: Be careful what permissions you give bots. Only give them the permissions they need.