
Made to stop your Discord server from turning into a trollfest through message moderation. With stop, delete, and go commands, this bot will moderate the messages on your server so you don't have to. Meant to be simple and easy to use yet essential, this bot promises to provide high quality moderation without getting command-bloated.

General Moderation

Stop Bot


Made to stop your Discord server from turning into a trollfest through message moderation.

discord.js PRs welcome Bot status Server count Chat count


Default prefix: ! or mention the bot using @Stop

Command types:

Type Description
general general bot commands
set bot server settings
stop tells the message sender to stop
delete deletes an offending message
go let the message be sent with no stops or deletions


  • Admin = "Administrator" permission
  • Mod = "Manage Messages" permission
Command Description Permissions
General Commands
help sends a list of all commands to the channel everyone
dmhelp sends a list of all commands to your DMs everyone
info displays bot stats (# of servers and channels) everyone
updates sends latest bot update notes to your DMs everyone
reset resets bot to default settings, including lists admin or mod
Set Commands
set displays list of settings options (things that can be set) admin or mod
set <option> <setting> sets <option> to your custom <setting> admin or mod
set default resets all settings back to their default admin or mod
set prefix <setting> sets prefix to your custom <setting> admin or mod
set stopmsg <setting> sets stop message to your custom <setting> admin or mod
set deletemsg <setting> sets delete message to your custom <setting> admin or mod
set toggledm toggles DMing of stop/delete lists to avoid in-channel sending admin or mod
Stop Commands
stop sends a time stamp and message telling everyone it's time to stop everyone
stop @<user> sends a time stamp and message telling <user> it's time to stop everyone
stop list sends a list of all words that will be responded to with stop everyone
stop video sends a passionate video to aid you in stopping the offender everyone
stop <words> adds <words> to list of words to stop admin
Delete Commands
delete <words> adds <words> to list of words that will be auto-deleted after 1 second admin
delete list sends a list of all words that will be auto-deleted everyone
delete <#> deletes the last # of messages in the channel admin or mod
delete <#> @<user> deletes the last # of messages from <user> admin or mod
Go Commands
go <word> removes <word> from list of words to stop or delete admin
go fish catch some fish (cooldown: 3 min) everyone
go inv see your fish (cooldown: 15 sec) everyone


  • Custom prefix can only be one character long
  • Separate words to stop or delete with a space
    • Example: !stop word1 word2 word3
    • Example: !delete word1 word2 word3
  • Go command only takes one word at a time


  • !stop help or @Stop help
  • !stop kek or @Stop stop kek
  • !stop troll weird or @Stop stop troll weird
  • !delete lel or @Stop delete lel
  • !delete stupid idiot or @Stop delete stupid idiot
  • !go 4chan or @Stop go 4chan

Go Fish

The bot doesn't only like to stop things. It likes to go fish too. You can catch fish and check your fish inventory all under the !go fish and !go inv commands. Have fun!


Contributions and pull requests are very welcome! This project uses discord.js and ES6 syntax compiled using Babel. To contribute, please clone or fork the dev1 branch and configure an auth.json. Read for more a detailed guide on how to get started. If you are contributing, it is highly recommended that you join Stop's Discord server so you can discuss with me and other contributors.

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614 invites total

Prefix: ! or custom

Submitted: 12/15/2018

Approved: 12/15/2018

Edited: 12/15/2018

Tip: Sorting your searches by relevance give you more relevant results compared to other sorting options.