This bot has not been approved. It may not comply with our requirements, so be careful inviting it.


Pure Shitposting |Video Editing | Image Editing | Purchase/Trade Users | Warfare (PvP) | Calamity Cards (Trading Cards) | Message Responses

General AnimeFunGamesMemesModerationSocial

The ultimate shitposting bot on discord, with a variety of commands for various purposes, including moderation (we have a thanos command that kicks half of a server's members).

Slav Bot is mainly centered around its image editing commands and video editing commands that allow you to make whatever meme you wish right from discord using either direct editing commands or templates. Slav Bot also gives access to various commands that provide you with images.

Slav Bot is also known for its World War (conquer all countries), Slave Trading (buy other users as slaves) and Warfare (PvP/Gain XP by killing others) Games, where you collect tokens to compete with others in various ways.

Slav Bot also has its own Trading Card Game called Calamity Cards, a trading card game where you can purchase various Heroes and Villains from comic books, movies, TV shows and more. Buy character packs to collect all of the unique characters. Try your best to get as many platinum characters as you can to increase your rank and sell your unwanted cards to earn tokens.

Slav Bot also has unexpected responses to certain words or messages, the list can be found on the documentation page on our site. You can even add custom responses and counters from our site. (This feature can be turned on/off using the respond command on Slav Bot).

Our bot has a huge command list, but each is unique in its own way. Slav Bot is the perfect bot to have if you just want to have some fun and shitpost, or just play some games. There is something for everyone.

You can use the feedback command to report bugs, give improvements or request new commands.

Join our support server for any questions or feedback.

Join Support Server

Visit Slav Bot's website for more information and the documentation.

Visit Website

Docs (Command List)

Support Slav Bot on Patreon

You can support the development on Patreon. More info on the Patreon page.


Steam UI

You can use our custom Steam UI by downloading it from steam customizer. Simply pick either the dark or light theme and download the skin file. Make sure to have the Steam Customizer tool downloaded in order to use the file. After applying it, you can show how superior you are to your friends.

Dark Theme

Light Theme

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Used in 46,615 servers

0 invites this week

3,450 invites total

Prefix: ! or custom prefix

Submitted: 08/13/2018

Approved: 08/13/2018

Edited: 04/25/2021

Tip: Be careful what permissions you give bots. Only give them the permissions they need.