
Welcome images, voice/text levels per guild, global levels, logs, high quality music, moderation and many many more!

General LevelsLoggingModerationMultiple LanguagesWeb Dashboard

ProBot: What else do you need?


  • Web Dashboard

A configurable dashboard. You can easily enable, disable, and configure everything.


  • Customizable welcome image

Design your own welcome image, then customize the avatar/name easily using our dashboard.

welcome image

welcome image

welcome image

welcome image

  • Powerful Moderation

ProBot has lots of features to help you with all kinds of moderation.

ban server ban

  • Colors Roles

Make your members use their favorite colors, just enable colors module and create numerical role with colors you want.

  • Multi-lingual support

We support more than 13 languages.

  • And many many more …

Advanced analytics, autoroles, logs, music, protection from rading …

Commands :

#help or Check out our commands page at

Getting started :

Visit our dashboard to invite and setup the bot easily 😃

Want to share ProBot ✨ along with other bots? Click here to add it to a list!

All reviews (102)

Recent reviews (0)

Used in 9,600,000 servers

121 invites this week

121,784 invites total

Prefix: /

Submitted: 08/30/2019

Approved: 08/30/2019

Edited: 07/18/2022

Tip: Want to share some bots with your friends? Log in and create a list!