
A configurable Discord Bot with fun commands, moderation, and much more!

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Who is Skyra

Skyra is a multi-task, powerful, and fun discord bot, that satisfies most needs. Why have 10 different bots that do one thing, when you can have 1 bot that does all 10?

Skyra is:

  • 🚀 Fast
  • Friendly
  • Intuitive
  • Fun
  • Useful
  • Clever
  • Adaptive

More information available by mouse hovering (move your mouse cursor over) the tags.

How to use Skyra

The most basic command is the ping command, to run any command, you need to write the prefix, then the command's name.

Considering s! is Skyra's prefix (the one set by default), you can run the ping command by writing s!ping. However, if you don't remember the prefix, you can send a mention (@Skyra#7023) and she will remind you the prefix. Alternatively, you can always use an user-friendly prefix like the following: Skyra, ping.

To get a list of all commands, you can write Skyra, help, she will show you an embed with navigation reactions, or Skyra, help --all for the full list of commands in your direct messages.

NOTE: The commands shown in the help command are only the commands that you and Skyra can use. This means, if you are not a moderator, you won't see the moderation commands list, or if Skyra doesn't have permissions to ban members, you won't see the ban command.

The help command shows you a list of all commands' names and a brief description for each of them, to get a full description, you may run Skyra, help <command>, for example Skyra, help whois.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to ask me in the official support server!

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Used in 13,287 servers

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1,836 invites total

Prefix: s!

Submitted: 02/25/2019

Approved: 02/25/2019

Edited: 09/04/2022

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