
KillerBot is NOT just another multi-purpose bot, KillerBot provides a wide unique variety of moderation, fun, and utility commands while keeping it simple for users and servers to use!

General EconomyFunGamesModerationUtility

| KillerBot |

A multi-purpose bot with a variety of moderation, fun, and utility commands that provide a unique experience to its servers and users!ā˜‘ļø


šŸ’° Cool Economy system with a shop!

šŸ› ļø Moderation and Self-role commands!

šŸ“„ Join-leave announcements!

šŸŽ® Minigames and Fun commands!

āš™ļø Utility useful commands!

šŸŒŸ Good support and frequent updates!

Getting Started:

šŸ“ Commands List: k!help

šŸ“ Command Information: k!help [command name]

šŸ“ Permissions: KillerBot will need all the permissions in the invite link for all commands to work properly but the main perms it needs are: Read & send messages & Embed Links


ā†Ŗ Add the bot:

ā„¹ Get help/support along with updates in the bot's support server:

Made with love by Panda#8822

Want to share KillerBot along with other bots? Click here to add it to a list!

All reviews (2)

Recent reviews (0)

0 invites this week

845 invites total

Prefix: k! or mention

Submitted: 04/15/2020

Resubmitted: 06/13/2020

Approved: 08/18/2020

Edited: 06/13/2020

Tip: Reviewing bots helps others find good bots, and gives the owners valuable feedback.