
An exclusive bot for Pokémon Discord server to store friend codes for pokémon games.

General GamesUtility

Friend Code Bot

Nurse Joy was designed for the Pokémon Singapore Discord Server, to allow users to efficiently store and access friend codes without having to memorise them. With the introduction of Pokemon GO's friend system, the usage of Nurse Joy has also been extended to other Pokemon discord servers.


  1. !fc - Display your current friendcode.
  2. !fc @mention - Display mention user's friendcode.
  3. !fc set ds xxxx-xxxx-xxxx - Register 3DS friendcode to trainer database.
  4. !fc set switch sw-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx - Register switch friendcode to trainer database.
  5. !fc set pogo xxxx-xxxx-xxxx - Register pokemon go friendcode to trainer database.
  6. !fc set shuffle xxxx-xxxx - Register pokemon shuffle friendcode to trainer database.
  7. !fc set master xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx - Register pokemon master friendcode to trainer database.
  8. !fc set home xxxxxxxxxxxx - Register pokemon home friendcode to trainer database.
  9. !fc set cafemix xxxxxxxxxxxx - Register pokemon CafeMix friendcode to trainer database.
  10. !fc delete ds - Delete 3DS friendcode from trainer database.
  11. !fc delete switch - Delete switch friendcode from trainer database.
  12. !fc delete pogo - Delete pokemon go friendcode from trainer database.
  13. !fc delete shuffle - Delete pokemon shuffle friendcode from trainer database.
  14. !fc delete master - Delete pokemon master friendcode from trainer database.
  15. !fc delete home - Delete pokemon home friendcode from trainer database.
  16. !fc delete cafemix - Delete pokemon home friendcode from trainer database.
  17. !fc delete all - Delete all friendcode from trainer database.
  18. !qr pogo @mention - Display QR Code for pokemon pogo friend code, mention is optional.
  19. !qr home @mention - Display QR Code for pokemon home friend code, mention is optional.
  20. !info - NurseJoy will PM you all the commands.

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Used in 1,439 servers

1 invite this week

369 invites total

Prefix: !

Submitted: 04/08/2019

Approved: 04/08/2019

Edited: 08/05/2020

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